4 thoughts on “Annexation Now Looms Large”
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I don’t know what the situation will be by the time you receive this issue of Israel My Glory. Today we’re “sheltering in place,” unable to go practically anywhere...
I am more of a doer than a thinker. It takes discipline for me to think before I act. Spending two weeks in Israel...
Premillennialism is less popular than it used to be. But it’s essential to...
On December 17, 2019, 16 leaders of The United Methodist Church signed the Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation...
The book of Acts opens after the disciples had been learning about the Kingdom of God for 40 days from the King Himself...
I have often heard the dispensational, premillennial view of the Bible criticized as too pessimistic and being all about Israel to the point that it denigrates the church...
God promised a land to one nation only, and to nobody else. Israel belong to the Jews. I am not Jewish, but I support Israel.
People are arguing over who will accept the annexation? Only voice that counts is God. It is Israel’s land. Not to mention Palestinians have never had a National home in the history of the world.
As far as Trump giving his support…God has used gentile rulers in the past. Caesar Augustus calling for a census to allow Jesus to be born in Bethlehem. Gentiles was used by God to rebirth the modern state of Israel.
With all due respect to Mr. Barbour, who is entitled to his opinions, I fail to understand what his opinion regarding President Trump has to do with Israel’s annexation of portions of the West Bank. Those familiar with Bible prophecy and the Abrahamic Covenant know that Israel’s borders were to include far more territory than it does now. The West Bank belongs to Israel, and we are Blessed by God to see prophecy continuing to be fulfilled. Maranatha.
Trump is not acting as someone with sanity. He is promoting hire and fire rows among his supporters and seems to be involved in questionable personal deals that spill out from time to time. He abuses his priveliged position with the churches and seems to play act to retain their loyality. He totally misunderstands the position of our Lord and seems keen to ascribe His power and glory to himself. Trump was the best of a bad bunch of republicans fighting among themselves over the spoil. He does not listen and should hand the reigns to Pence who seems the genuine article. Trump had betrayed his people who took a large risk in supporting him. He is lost in himself and has become an introverted dictator. It is easy to blame the opposition but Trump has caused his own problems. I get the impression that Trump is obsessed with the greatness of Trump as much as America.