Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2016

Bibi: ‘They Will Not Make Us Leave Here’
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu vowed that the recent terror attacks in Judea and Samaria will not drive Israelis from their homes. “We will strengthen this place,” he told the grieving family of Hallel Yaffa Ariel, the 13-year-old Israeli-American girl who was brutally stabbed to death by an Arab terrorist in June while asleep in her bed in Kiryat Arba.

“You don’t murder a sleeping child for peace. You don’t slit a girl’s throat to protest a policy you don’t like. You do this because you’ve been brainwashed. You’ve been brainwashed by a warped ideology that teaches you that this child isn’t human,” Netanyahu said in a video he posted online.

Authorities identified 17-year-old Arab-Palestinian Mohammed Tarayra as the murderer. Tarayra snuck through the town’s security perimeter, broke into Hallel’s bedroom through the window, and stabbed her multiple times before he was shot and killed by a civilian guard. Authorities said his body will not be returned to his family.

The attack mirrors the cold-blooded murder of the Fogel family in 2011 when two Arabs entered the Israeli town of Itamar in Samaria; broke into the Fogel home; and stabbed to death the parents, their two young sons, and their 3-month-old daughter.

“They [terrorists] want to uproot what has been planted, and we will deepen the roots,” Netanyahu said. “They will not make us leave here.”

As hundreds attended Hallel’s funeral in Hebron, another Arab stabbed two Israelis at a market in Netanya, seriously wounding them. He was shot dead. The following day terrorists opened fire on a Jewish family traveling in their car just south of Kiryat Arba. The father, 48-year-old Rabbi Michael Mark, died; his wife and two children were wounded.

From news reports

UNRWA Incites Arab Children to Kill
A new 10-minute video reveals many of the Arabs who have murdered Israelis in the current “stabbing intifada” were educated in schools run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). UNRWA Road to Terror: Palestinian Classroom Incitement shows the violence ensued from “an educational curriculum taught to Palestinians beginning in first grade.” Filmmaker David Bedein said about 100 Palestinian children were interviewed. They “believe that they have the right to kill Jews,” he reported.

One said, “We have to constantly stab them, drive them over, and shoot them.”

Israel Develops Smart-Gun Lock
Two Israeli army veterans have developed a way to prevent firearm accidents. Jonathan Zimmerman, CEO of the Jerusalem-based startup Zore, and CTO Yalon Fishbein have developed Zore X, a cartridge that is the fastest way to go from a locked firearm to disengaging, chambering, and firing. It also notifies owners if someone has tampered with their guns.

Consequences for Israeli BDS Supporters
The Israeli government is planning legislative measures against Israelis who promote the boycott of the Jewish state. “There will now be [a] real price to pay for someone working against their own country in order to isolate it from the rest of the world,” Israeli official Gilad Erdan said. “If we want to convince the world that the delegitimization of Israel is something wrong and that there should be consequences, we must start here in Israel.”


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