5 thoughts on “Israel’s Will to Remember”
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I don’t know what the situation will be by the time you receive this issue of Israel My Glory. Today we’re “sheltering in place,” unable to go practically anywhere...
I am more of a doer than a thinker. It takes discipline for me to think before I act. Spending two weeks in Israel...
Premillennialism is less popular than it used to be. But it’s essential to...
On December 17, 2019, 16 leaders of The United Methodist Church signed the Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation...
The book of Acts opens after the disciples had been learning about the Kingdom of God for 40 days from the King Himself...
I have often heard the dispensational, premillennial view of the Bible criticized as too pessimistic and being all about Israel to the point that it denigrates the church...
Is Miriam Feinberg Vamosh related to Charles Feinberg, please?
Thank you.
So blessed to read your articles. I have with me old copies of Israel My Glory 2013 publication. It always blesses me to read again and again your articles. Then I saw your web pages. Glory to God. Shalom
To Christ the Living Stone, we as living stones coming to Him as our Great Shepherd and High Priest are being built up together as a spiritual house of temple pattern, a holy priesthood. Elect, precious Cornerstone of this household of worshipers beholding His glory, each stone in believing is transformed into like preciousness of divine nature holy and without blame before His eye in love. King of grace’s reign soon as the Headstone of the corner will complete this house exceeding magnifical, a royal priesthood of a royal law, each member to his neighbor will minister His good, by the law of the Spirit of life in Him messaging out the virtues of Him that has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light will meet Him in the air to see Him as He is in never diminishing wonder.
How beautiful.
I had the honor to visit Israel in 2011. As I read your description of the places you visited, it brought back pleasant memories. I, too, had visited those places. I can’t wait to walk down those paths and streets with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.