3 thoughts on “Jesus Is Better Than Melchizedek”
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Something within human beings compels them to look for something new—a better way, better quality, better fashion. “Build a better mousetrap,” youngsters of another generation were told...
When writing to his Jewish readers of the apostolic age, the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews wanted to demonstrate the superiority of the divine revelation that gave birth to Christianity over the divine...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to read your newspaper at night without the convenience of a light bulb? Hard to imagine, isn’t it? Yet this luxury is only 100 years old.
To understand the Book of Hebrews, we must have some understanding of the Levitical system—its orders, law, administration, and sacrifices. This article considers only two areas of that Levitical system, the high priest...
“Now consider how great this man was ... ” Such was the high opinion of the inspired penman regarding Melchizedek in Hebrews 7:4. The greatness of this unique individual is matched only by the mystery...
“Through every believer has the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit does not have every believer,” wrote A. W. Tozer. Many Christians find it easy to talk about being Spirit-filled but show little evidence of it...
I hate to leave a comment because it requires email, etc. but this article is SO GOOD and God-glorifying, I have to leave a positive comment! 😊 Thank you very much. Jesus is BETTER, GREATER, WORTHY of our worship and praise 🙏
Thank you so much for the most detailed and Biblically well-supported explanation. I am most satisfied with this article than many I have read from other sources. Have consulted several Priests and Evangelists, none of them could enlighten me on the matter of Melchizedek as thoroughly, clearly, sensibly and convincingly as the writer of the above did. This shall be my reference from now on, and hope you spread farther and wider for the glory of God! Jesus is the Lord of lords. Well done!
May God richly bless all lovers of thé true scriptures, Amen.