Siding With Israel’s Enemies Is a Crime Against Humanity

What is often swept under the proverbial rug by those attacking Zionism—Christian or otherwise—is the fact that more than 5 million Jewish people live in the State of Israel. They approximate in numbers the Jewish people exterminated in the Holocaust. To side with those trumpeting their intention to annihilate these people is anything but biblical or Christian; it is, in actuality, a crime against humanity.

On the other hand, the survival of the Palestinian Arabs has never been in jeopardy. I remember a conversation I had in the 1970s with Gen. Uzi Narkiss who led the Israel Defense Forces that captured Jerusalem in 1967. One of his major concerns was for an equitable settlement with the Palestinians and a genuine peace between Jews and Arabs. The claptrap Palestinian militants consistently spew about Israeli and American intentions to destroy the Palestinian people is utter propaganda and absolute rubbish.

Recently I listened to a Hamas terrorist being interviewed about an incident that took the lives of six Palestinian civilians. Israel was blamed because the deaths allegedly occurred when Israel responded to Arab rocket fire on Israeli towns from the Gaza Strip.

The man raved about the deliberate killing of innocent people and Israel’s so-called determination to destroy the Palestinians, calling the incident a war crime. What he failed to mention was why the Israeli attack had taken place or why Palestinian terrorists have murdered over 1,000 Israelis and injured thousands of others in a concerted, declared campaign to kill Israeli civilians.

And, of course, he further failed to mention that the Palestinians themselves probably killed the victims. In a June 16 column titled “Who Is to Blame for Grief on a Beach?” Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer exposed the entire fiasco: “Shrapnel taken from the victims (treated at Israeli hospitals—some “genocide”) were not the ordnance used in Israeli artillery….Aerial photography revealed no crater that could have been caused by Israeli artillery.”

But the clincher was this Krauthammer observation:

Who is to blame if Palestinians are setting up rocket launchers to attack Israel—and placing them 400 yards from a beach crowded with Palestinian families on the Muslim Sabbath?

Answer: This is another example of the Palestinians’ classic and cowardly human-shield tactic—attacking innocent Israeli civilians while hiding behind innocent Palestinian civilians.

And while Israeli officials immediately launch investigations into such incidents, Palestinians not only refuse to investigate their homicide bombings but celebrate Palestinian murderers as heroes of the “resistance.”

Whatever one’s political convictions, the core issue is the survival of the Jewish people, who have a legitimate right to their place in the Promised Land.

1 thought on “Siding With Israel’s Enemies Is a Crime Against Humanity

  1. March 31, 1933, the Mufti already approaches German consul to forge contact with the Nazi regime, congratulates Hitler regime and expresses against democracies; April and June 1933, two separate approaches that consul to form an Arab Nazi Party, at the time, they are rejected; May 1933, ‘Falastin’ paper calls Hitler “noble,” justifies him on persecuted the Jews; Sep 1933, E. Bendak, editor of Sawt Al Shaab receives instructions from a group of Germans & Arabs on “conducting Nazi propaganda” in Palestine. He was instrumental in organizing the Arab Fascist Party at Bethlehem, harassing the Jews and in Nov Nazis reveal contacts with Arab riot leaders; pan-arab pan-Muslim leader al-Husseini, his propaganda is spread also at ‘Falastin’ paper; had incited massacres in the 1920s against Jews – moslty non-Zionist Jews were butchered; his gangs killed upto 7,000 moderate Arabs and hundreds of Jews in 1936-9; March 1935, train from Afula to Haifa after an Arab gathering, had swastika drawn with the Nazi phrase; that year, Arabs in Haifa found Arab Nazi club called Red Moon; 1935/6 with Jamal Husseini founded Futuwa – modeled on Hiller-Youth; had asked Fascist Italy to assist in poisoning Tel Aviv water in 1936; that year, Arabs in Berlin boycotted Jews; the shout of ‘Heil Hitler’ became a catchword which rang insolently over all Palestine; Jan 1937, Istiqlal’s Awni Abd al-Hadi: “Arabs Like Nazis”; in that year, German consul in Jerusalem Dohleh: “Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathies for the new Germany and its Führer…”; 1936/7 Mein Kampf translated a best seller by many Arabs in Palestine; May 1937, Palestine Arabs celebrated Muhamnad’s birthday “Hitler and Duce Cheered”; the Mufti authored anti-Jewish booklet disseminating it Bloudan Sep 1937 conference, before it opened, the Arab Higher Committe ‘warned’ any Arab county from taking in Jews; in 1939 John Gunther: “The greatest contemporary Arab hero is – Adolf Hitler”; with D. al-Miqdadi, A. Zuaiter, F. Grobba, al-Husseini incited Iraqis 1937-41 before the ‘Farhoud’ pogrom (instigated also by al-Sabawi, led by fascistic al-Muthanna/Futuwwa and soldiers): mass rape, throwing children into water in front of parents, upto a 1,000 died with cruelty; met Hitler – made a pact; 1940-1, Ahmad Shukeiri would write on these times that ‘they’ cheered, prayed for Hitler; 1941-5 stayed in Berlin with 60 other Arab-Nazis; broadcast venom to the Muslim world, including to kill the Jews wherever they are; led/inspired Muslims fighting for Hitler in the SS; toured concentration camps; planned crematoria in Dotan Valley; interfered against thousands of Jewish children from escaping from Eastern Europe to Palestine; February 1941 poll showed 88% of Palestine-Arabs suported the Axis; August 1942 CIA report from Egypt, that majority of Palestine-Arabs are anti-Jewish awaiting Rommel; Dec 21, 1942 letter by Nazi representatives: “Arabs in Palestine were waiting for Hitler to come to Palestine and expel all the Jews”; al-Husseini’s “disciples” Ahmad Shukeiri & Issa Nakhleh. Shukeiri helped Hitler / his propaganda during the war; had justified the Holocaust in 1946 and promoted neo-Nazi group in Nov. 1962 (while citing a NYT 16 Sep. piece. That article talks about their Nazism) before Saudis sacked him fromnl UN post; infamous for his “none of them will suvive” assertion pre Six-Day war. Issa Nakhleh glorified Hitler regime in the 1950s while in Argentina; had denied the Holocaust in 1972/8 and worked with neo-Nazis throughout 1960-80s. Many ex-Nazi fighters joined in 1947/8 to help the Arabs against the Jews. Eichmann himself, assisted in Fedayeen in the 1950s. Neo-Nazis helped Palestinian terrorists at least in the 1970s/80s.

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