Q: What does the phrase Israel of God mean?

Israel of God refers to Jewish people who received Christ as their Savior and consequently belong to the church. It does not refer to the entire church.

The phrase appears in Galatians 6: “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and [Greek, kai] upon the Israel of God” (vv. 15–16).

The term Israel of God is often misinterpreted to mean the entire church. People with this view believe the church constitutes the true and only Israel today and that, hereafter, Christians become “spiritual Israel” or “spiritual” Jews, and all New Testament promises concerning Israel will be fulfilled in the church and do not apply to ethnic Jewish people or the literal nation of Israel.

However, the church cannot be the “Israel of God”:

  1. The context of Galatians 6 makes it clear that two groups compose the church: redeemed, ethnic Jewish people—referred to as the “circumcision”—and redeemed Gentiles, called the “uncircumcision” (v. 15).
  2. Throughout the New Testament, the word Israel (used 75 times) always refers to ethnic Jews, not Gentiles in the church. The remnant of believing Israel, “according to the election of grace” within the nation of Israel (Rom. 9:6; 11:5), is recognized as the true “spiritual Israel” (Rom. 9—11; 1 Cor. 10:32). Jews remain Jews after receiving Christ, and Gentiles remain Gentiles; Gentiles do not become spiritual Jews or spiritual Israel.
  3. People who see the church as the “Israel of God” use an uncommon translation of the Greek word kai in Galatians 6:16. They translate it as “even” (cf. NIV translation), which implies both redeemed Jews and Gentiles constitute the “Israel of God.” However, it is better and more natural to translate it as “and” (cf. KJV, NKJV, NASB), which implies only Jewish believers are the “Israel of God.”
  4. It would have been strange for the apostle Paul, the Jewish believer who wrote Galatians, to refer to Gentile Christians as Israel.

Dr. Ronald E. Diprose summarized the issue well: “Thus we conclude that Galatians 6:16 is insufficient grounds on which to base an innovative theological concept such as understanding the Church to be the new and/or true Israel.”1

  1. Ronald E. Diprose, Israel in the Development of Christian Thought (Rome, Italy: Istituto Biblico Evangelico Italiano, 2000) 47.

4 thoughts on “Q: What does the phrase Israel of God mean?

  1. Please pray for my friend. She used to love going to Messianic churches until she was hurt and offended. I offended her and asked her forgiveness. Yet, now I am burdened for her. She said she was glad she stopped coming and has now joined a false church. It is called “Israel of God” in Los Angeles, CA. She attends the Saturday services and are becoming brainwashed by false teaching. They do not believe that Literal Israel and its people the Jews are the true Israelites. Her church calls themselves by nationality “Hebrew Israelites” and the “Original Christians.”. When I tried to contact my friend. She sent me some false literature. The people do not believe we go to heaven and that we can become like God. This is a bit off from Bible teaching. My friend wrote me and told me that I do not love her and that I do not love God. She said I was going to burn in the lake of fire. I do not receive any of this. She was upset at me because I said the church was teaching her false teachings and being used by Satan because they promote people becoming like God.

    I just want my friend to be delivered from this church and all the people too.

    The leader said that all African Americans are cursed.

    Please pray we can have a renewed relationship. Pray she can get free of this place. Thank you. God is able.

  2. To David M Levy,
    re: the berean box, Israel my Glory, Mar-Apr 2018 issue
    Subj: What did Jesus mean “This generation …. (Mt 24:34)

    Keeping it simple, it would appear that the general use of a generation refers to a span of time i.e.: a nominal lifetime period, perhaps 70 or 80 years excluding exceptions
    (Psalms 90:10: The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they be eighty years, yet is their labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.).

    And considering the rebirth of the fig tree (Israel) on 14 May 1948 a generation would reasonably lead us to a period 2018 thru 2028 …. for significant things to take place!

    Furthermore, the biblical calendar of 7000 years, considering Christ’s triumphal return at 6 April 0033 would place His return in 2033, and thus seven year earlier brings us to the year 2025, right in the midst of the period 2018 thru 2028 ….

    The lesson my friend is that the Bible tells us that time is short, so strive for that narrow gate without delay, Amen.

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