The Friends of Israel in Action May/Jun 2022

Timothy’s Growing YouTube Ministry
Nobody has enjoyed COVID-19 lockdowns. But even when the government makes leaving home impossible, God can still take our ministry around the world. One example is a recent initiative started by one of our field representatives in Poland, Timothy Rabinek.

While people were stuck at home treading water, Timothy was swimming upstream. He used his lockdown time to learn the complex computer software necessary to build 3-D video models of biblical and ancient geographical sites.

Timothy’s 3-D model of the Temple

From a detailed representation of Herod’s Temple in Jesus’ day to a time-lapse video of the initial building and rebuilding of Jerusalem according to Old Testament history, Timothy’s videos offer a wealth of information. Anyone interested in biblical history, archaeology, or geography will find excellent material in his video library.

But Timothy didn’t stop there. He took the videos and started a channel on YouTube called Israel MyChannel. He now has more than 75 different teaching videos on his channel, capturing the attention of thousands of people around the world. Two videos have been seen more than 700,000 times, and others also have hundreds of thousands of views.

It is wonderful to see how God guided Timothy to build this platform to share biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah. His channel has enabled him to minister in places he never would have been able to reach prior to the lockdowns.

The pandemic has reinforced our faith that God can use the most difficult of circumstances to accomplish His will in greater ways than we ever would have imagined. Here in the International Department, we praise Him continually for the grace and creativity He gives our staff as they seek to share the Good News of the gospel of Jesus around the world.

If you would like to view Timothy’s videos, log on to YouTube and search for “Israel MyChannel.” If you share the videos on social media and elsewhere, you will help us reach even more people for the Savior.

You can help support Timothy Rabinek’s work and other FOI ministries around the world. Thank you for your prayers and financial support!


In Canada, please give here.

Working on Campus
American colleges and universities today are hotbeds of anti-Israel, antisemitic activity. Impressionable students are fed misinformation at all levels, and Students for Justice in Palestine and similar anti-Israel organizations propagate lies about the Jewish state. Last year an Anti-Defamation League survey found 32 percent of Jewish students have personally experienced antisemitism on campus.

Robert Johnessee has dedicated the past 13 years of his ministry with The Friends of Israel to raising up a generation of students who support Israel and love the Jewish people. For Robert, our Ohio-based Church Ministries representative, it’s biblical to help them develop a heart for Zionism and Jewish outreach.

Students for Israel is an official organization on the campus of Cedarville University. Its mission is to support God’s Chosen People and their need for the true Messiah, Jesus Christ. As the off-campus advisor, Robert comes alongside the students, facilitating meetings that include Holocaust remembrance events and teaching the dangers of antisemitism. Holocaust survivors are invited to share their personal stories of enduring one of history’s darkest moments.

Students also learn about Jewish culture and customs, celebrating the feasts of Israel. Robert even did a Passover demonstration for 3,000 people at Cedarville.

Students for Israel President Claire Salsberg and Vice President Victoria Siefert are seniors at the Christian university and graduates of The Friends of Israel’s Bridges internship program in Jewish ministry. They felt called to help rebuild the student organization after the COVID-19 pandemic ended in-person meetings.

Students for Israel, from left: Marielle,
Claire, Victoria, Deborah, Nina

When asked what motivated her to take up the leadership mantle, Claire said, “I love helping other students get excited about what God is excited about,” referring to God’s heart for Israel and the Jewish people. Victoria added, “I really want to increase awareness on campus about Judaism and Jewish missions. The Jewish people need to be reached. We need to have a heart for them.”

During the fall Feast of Tabernacles, Claire, Victoria, and other students built a sukkah (booth) where the young adults experienced aspects of the biblical feast. Robert shared a message and explained the prophetic hope we have as believers.

Students for Israel also gathered during the winter for a Hanukkah party, where they ate jelly donuts, spun the dreidel, and heard from a Cedarville professor of engineering who is a Jewish believer. He shared his journey to trusting in Christ.

Robert is encouraged by Claire, Victoria, and other students who have a heart for God’s Chosen People. Pray God will continue to use The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry to teach young Christians to love the Jewish people and support the nation of Israel.

You an help support Robert Johnessee and others like him serving in North American outreach with The Friends of Israel. Thank you for your prayers and financial support!


In Canada, please give here.

1 thought on “The Friends of Israel in Action May/Jun 2022

    Blessed be the Lord for we are privileged to be in His end time plan.
    Exactly what you all are doing in Israel My Glory is what God in inspiring doing far away in Lagos, Nigeria.
    Since 2011 when we started I Stand with Israel International we never knew that our experience is not pioneer that we have excellent examples to follow and learn from.

    By this, it will be my joy to learn from the management of Israel My Glory and also from Joseph on the Student for Israel Initiative.

    You can learn more about what we have been doing Facebook at Rex Ajenifuja

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