The Friends of Israel in Action Nov/Dec 2024

The Light of Hanukkah
While war causes everyone caught in its throes to suffer, our actions in times of darkness reveal our character. Jesus said, “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things” (Mt. 12:35).

FOI representatives Hanya Cieślar (left) and Tetiana

The Jewish people of Ukraine have told our workers, “You are our friends not only in words but in deeds.” Such a high assessment assures us The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI) is in the right place at the right time to be a true friend of the Jewish people.

As Hanukkah approaches, Tetiana Kritenko, our field representative in Ukraine, recalls a memory from December 2022, the first year of the Russia-Ukraine war:

During Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, we visited a synagogue in Kamianske, a Ukrainian city only 50 miles from the front line. We celebrated the holiday of light in pitch darkness. Russia had struck Ukraine’s power plants, seeking to plunge Ukraine into depression. Apartments and public places were not heated, and there was no light on streets or in houses.

We drove approximately 1,000 kilometers [more than 600 miles] across Ukraine to Kamianske. Checkpoints, where our documents were inspected, became more and more frequent. Most gas stations had no petrol [gasoline], and many roadsides were mined with explosives.

We entered the city moments before curfew, which bans all movement on city streets after 8 p.m. We quickly unloaded our gifts for the Hanukkah baskets we planned to give our Jewish friends, as well as portable batteries to provide heat for the community.

Then, we were ushered into a spacious, glowing synagogue hall, powered by several electric generators. We greeted the many people waiting there for us. When the Kamianske community found out that part of our team was Polish, some expressed thanks for Poland’s help:

“Dear ones, thank you for your country; it sheltered my daughter and three grandchildren.”

“My daughter and grandson are homed by a wonderful family from Poznan´ [a city in western Poland].”

“And mine, near Warsaw.”

“And mine, in the east of Poland.”

These wonderful Jews hugged us and cried. We cried too. We talked about the victory of the Maccabees in Israel long ago and dreamed of victory now in Ukraine. And so the light was with us. It came from the hearts of our Jewish friends and the love of our almighty God and Father.

That evening, a Jewish man told me, “You came to us and said many kind words and brought us gifts. You gave us more than just a feeling of celebration. At a time of war in our country, you brought us hope that good will undoubtedly defeat evil and light will overcome darkness. This means we experienced the real holiday of Hanukkah.”

This gratitude extends to you. As our workers continue to provide physical aid and spiritual refreshment in war-torn Ukraine, your prayer and support are the light that will not allow darkness to triumph.

You can support our Ukrainian team and other FOI International Ministries around the world. Thank you for your prayers and financial support!


In Canada, please give here.

An Encounter With the Holocaust
As part of FOI’s training program Encounter, 16 young adults recently traveled to Poland, where they visited Holocaust sites. They gained profound insight into the past while deepening their love for God’s Chosen People. Touring the Auschwitz and Majdanek concentration camps and the cities of Warsaw and Krakow gave the team a more comprehensive understanding of Jewish history in Europe.

The Encounter team at the Auschwitz-
Birkenau State Museum

One participant remarked how history became tangible and personal in a way that reading about it could never achieve. Seeing where the atrocities of the Shoah (Holocaust) occurred vividly brought the stories to life.

The participants also learned how FOI Poland ministers to Jewish communities across Eastern Europe. They actively served these communities by cleaning a Jewish cemetery and preparing gifts for Jewish refugees from Ukraine.

God provided a valuable opportunity for these young adults to participate in the March of the Living, walking from the Auschwitz death camp to the one in Birkenau in solidarity with thousands of Jewish people from around the world. Jewish young people were pleasantly surprised to find that our Encounter group consisted of young Christians who love and support them and read the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). The team heard many heartwarming remarks, such as,

“It’s so nice to have Christians who are genuine friends!”

“We need more people like you.”

“I know you really care about us.”

“None of you are Jewish? Wow, thank you for coming!”

Following the march, the team attended a ceremony at Birkenau, where 10,000 Jewish people sang Israel’s national anthem, “Hatikvah,” a powerful testament to God’s goodness in preserving His people. In light of Hamas’s massacre in Israel on October 7, 2023, a strong sense of unity against antisemitism prevailed. A small group of pro-Palestinian protesters underscored how anti-Zionism and hatred toward Israel easily morph into antisemitism. The protest was a significant moment for believers to stand with the Jewish people. We pray they will see and hear the love of Yeshua through our ministry around the world.

The team returned home encouraged and inspired to love their Jewish friends even more. We thank God for this opportunity and His steadfast love for His Chosen People. He is a trustworthy and faithful God.

You can support Encounter and other programs like it in North American Ministries. Thank you for your prayers and financial support!


In Canada, please give here.

Photos: The Friends of Israel Archives

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