The PA Strategies
How many ways are there to destroy Israel other than through outright war? The Palestinian Authority has at least two.
Changing the Demographics. Yasser Arafat’s insistence that Arab refugees be allowed to move to Israel through a “right of return” is part of an overall strategy to increase the Arab population in Israel until it overwhelms the Jewish population, thereby turning Israel into an Arab state.
The 2001 issue of Arab Strategic Report stated that Arabs could obliterate Israel by changing Israel’s demographics. It stated that a high Palestinian birthrate, a halt to Jewish immigration to Israel, and the migration of Palestinians into Israel proper will lead to the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state where the Jewish people will live “in the shadow of Arab culture.”
According to the plan, detailed by Dr. Wahid Abd Al-Magid, editor of the Report, which is published annually in London, Israeli Arabs must become involved in stopping Jewish immigration and providing economic support for the migration of Arabs into Israel.
That way, he wrote, Arabs “could become a majority in Israel in the year 2035, and they will certainly be a majority by 2048.” He added,
The demographic threat is not solely the outcome of natural population increase of Palestinians who remained in Israel in 1948 [they are Israeli citizens] but also of the infiltration of tens of thousands of Palestinians into Israel. These stay in Israel and create facts on the ground through marriage with citizens of the 1948 population.
Destroying From Within. The Palestinians viewed the Oslo Peace Accords as a tool to get inside Israel to destroy it from within. The late Faisal Husseini, Palestinian minister for Jerusalem, made these remarks in an interview that appeared June 24 in the popular Egyptian newspaper el Arav:
The Oslo agreements were a Trojan Horse….The strategic goal is to liberate Palestine from the river to the sea.
Had the US and Israel understood before Oslo that all that remained of the Palestine liberation movement and the Pan-Arab movement was the Trojan Horse named Arafat or the PLO, they would have never opened their fortified gates and let him in.
Arafat and the PLO were headquartered in Tunis, Tunisia, until Israel allowed them into the Gaza Strip under the Oslo Accords. (See “The PLO and PA,” page 24.)
Husseini said that three years after the triumphant return to Gaza, it was finally time to emerge from the horse and “get to work.”
He said it was the obligation of all Palestinian forces and factions to view the Oslo Accords as “temporary” steps or “gradual” goals, because in this way, “We are setting an ambush for the Israelis and cheating them.”
He said the Palestinians have been forced to concentrate temporarily on “gradual diplomatic goals.” However, the main goal is the “liberation of all Palestine from the river (Jordan) to the sea (Mediterranean),” even if this objective requires a struggle that will continue “1,000 years, or generations upon generations.”