The Restrainer of Evil

2 Thessalonians 2:6–8 While establishing the church in Thessalonica, the apostle Paul personally instructed believers concerning future prophecy. In fact, he went into great detail about the Rapture of the church and the Day of the Lord. However, being severely persecuted for their faith, many Thessalonians wondered if they were already experiencing the Day of the Lord’s wrath. False teach

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7 thoughts on “The Restrainer of Evil

  1. I too have come to a place where the “He” in 2 thessolonians has come as a debate. Some say Holy Spirit, some Michael the arch angel, some the church as it stands today.
    There doesn’t seem to be alot of scripture to support any of these definitely. While this issue doesn’t effect one’s salvation, it can be a topic of church doctrine.
    I’m not a schooled theologian, I’m a simple believer in Jesus Christ. Who has died for my sins.
    That being said , for what it is worth my thoughts on “He” : The church is usually described as the bride of Christ, Michael the arch angel is powerful enough to take on Satan as referenced when contending about the body of Moses. But Michael uses the Lord as the one who will rebuke Satan.
    Finally the Holy Spirit was the old testament power of many a believer, and the comforter and gift giver in the new testament for the believer . So it’s as clear as mud that this issue has been settled right here and now. I jest, but one day we will all know exactly who “He” is.
    Until then, watch and pray. And be watching for our Lord’s return.
    May God bless you all

  2. Great article, but few things need to be clarified. The ‘He’ who will be taken away and the sequence of events. We need to understand that the Church is the new man in Christ. Both Jews and Gentiles in Christ are described as the new man in Christ and “He” can be use to describe the Church. The Church is the restraining force not because it has any power of its own. The Church in Christ restrains evil on earth by:

    1) Praying for all those in authority and seeking peace for the nations according to 1Timothy 2:1-4.

    2) The Church restrains evil by binding the operations of the enemy on earth in Jesus’Name.

    3) The Church restrains evil by reaching out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and delivering the unsaved from the kingdom of darkness and from the control of the powers of darkness

    4) The Church restrains evil as believers speak the Word from a believing heart to silence the enemy and avenger.

    5) The Church restrains evil by teaching the truth of God’s Word. Men can’t be held in bondage when they come to the knowledge of the truth.

    So the Church is the salt of the earth to preserve the earth from the corruption and decay of the evil one. Again, it is the light to dispel darkness from the world as believers – the light of the world arise and shine.

    We all need to understand that the Holy Spirit wont be taken away in the tribulation. He will continue to empower men to preach the Gospel and convict the sinner. The Church, the new man in Christ will be taken away. He is the restraining force in Christ and the anti-Christ will be revealed in the full measure in the tribulation. Darkness can’t dispel light. Light will always dispel darkness but when light is removed, darkness will always occupy its place.

    The sequence of events Paul wanted the Thessalonians to understand is:

    1) The restraining influence of the Church at the moment as the salt and light of the world
    2) The departure of the Church or the rapture 3) The full revelation of the deeds of the anti-Christ in the tribulation and the
    4) The coming of Christ with His mighty angels to put and end to operations of the anti-Christ.

    My humble response to this article. God bless us all.

  3. I have struggled for years about the “He” who is removed. Figuring it must be the Spirit, but how can the Spirit be “removed” if people are saved during the tribulation (which we know they are…there is a Great Multitude in heaven that comes out of the Great Tribulation).

    The church is removed before the antichrist is revealed, but the church is not a “He”.

    So I figured it was the Spirit-filled church in some way. But your comment , “This does not mean He will be removed from the world; it simply means His ministry of holding back evil will cease” rings very true to me. You don’t have to read too far into Revelation to know that evil is unrestrained during the tribulation.

    However, I do not then get your order of events:
    1. The “falling away [apostasy]” (2 Th. 2:3)
    2. The revelation of the Antichrist, “the man of sin [lawlessness]” (v. 3)
    3. The removal of the one “who now restrains” (v. 7)

    Verse 7 clearly says that the restrained has to be removed BEFORE the man of lawlessness is revealed. “For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.”

    In addition, verse 3 is he same event. The falling away in context means the “taking away” and represents the Holy Spirit being removed as verse 7 says. There is confusion in the sequence between the two verses (which proceeds which). But verse 3 is simply saying that that the end times have not come yet because that is the time when the antichrist is revealed; which has not happened yet so don’t worry you are not in the tribulation.

    Verse 7 then makes the timing clear. The restraining force is removed and THEN the antichrist is revealed.


    1. Hi Jeff,
      I read the article twice and don’t see where Mr. Levy’s events are out of order. I keep coming back to his statement, and I quote, “The phrase and then refers to what happens once the restrainer stops holding back evil. At that time, the “lawless one [Antichrist] will be revealed.” Mr. Levy states that the lawless one will be revealed once restrainer stops holding back evil.


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