When God Broke the Silence

Sometimes silence is a welcome friend. Sometimes it can be deafening because of what it conveys, such as disapproval. With the final verse of the book of Malachi, the Hebrew Scriptures ended; and from then on, God was silent. Gone were the prophets and the prophetic utterances, visions, and dreams that had informed the nation. For 400 years, not a single word from the Lord went out to His peopl

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1 thought on “When God Broke the Silence

  1. The history you’ve made available is terrific!Todays names have a history going back with their own genealogy. Reading the 400 years of silence breaks because 2-(two) people chose to stay in the word. The names are names used every day, however Now I Recognize Their Beginnings, not to mention these folks were well past having a child and is a son, with a common name, and goes into History associated w/H2O. 3/4 of the world is covered by water and John started this symbol used today! His parents inspired him and few know his parents or God speaking to them, after 400 years.
    Maybe consider a road trip and share, to exit 14 off I-75, 1600 Glendale Milford Rd. 45215, Cincinnati Ohio.
    Landmark Baptist c/o Pastor Matt Holman.
    All the Very Best!

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