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A rapidly rising tide of aggression is aimed at Israel, and the West seems impotent to stem it. But there is One who is omnipotent, and He has made promises He intends to keep.
To understand the Intertestamental Period, it’s important to look at Israel’s postexilic history and see what happened to God’s Chosen People before the silence fell.
Some people misconstrue the term silent years. They think the absence of a prophetic Word from the Lord meant the Lord was absent. That was not the case, as you’ll see.
A few miles from the hubbub of Bethlehem, you can visit a spot where the message of Christmas remains pure and undiluted. Relax, and let this wonderful article take you there!
The menorah is the very heart of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. Here is a true story about a treasured menorah whose light will shine brightly this holiday season.
persian king artaxerxes ascended to the throne prior to the book of malachi being authored 464-424 daniel chapter 11 gives detail before the 400 years of silence, also the last years of the 400 years of silence emmanuel-jesus matthew 1;23 was begotten,herod was the client indumesn -edomite king of judea-a roman vassal, which was the herodian period,alexander the great swept across the earth like an irrestible flood an was poisoned by my perspective an we must not forget the hasmonean era or there grandfather matthaias and judas an the seleucids an the ptolemies