Christian Persecution Jul/Aug 2020

North-Central Nigeria
April was a terrible month in Nigeria as Muslim Fulani herdsmen again attacked and murdered Christians, including children.

In north-central Nigeria they killed a pastor and three members of his congregation, including a 10-year-old boy. In an attack on Ngbra Zongo village near Miango in Plateau State’s Bassa County, the herdsmen shot and killed Matthew Tagwai in his home after 8 p.m. He was the pastor of an Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) congregation.

Pastor Tagwai was 34. He leaves behind two young children and his pregnant wife.

Also shot dead in their homes were ECWA congregation members Ishaku Abba, 10; Dih Sunday, 21; and Duh Abba, 38, area resident Patience Moses said.

“The attack was carried out by armed herdsmen against the community at about 8:20 p.m. on Tuesday, 7 April,” Moses told Morning Star News. “Two other Christians, Abbayo Ki, 45, and Monday Adamas, 19, were also injured and were being treated at a hospital at Dantako village.”

For the full story by, go to

Southern Nigeria
Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Kaduna state killed a Christian student on April 16, a week after a pastor was slain at his church building residence in southern Nigeria.

After his college in northwest Nigeria was closed due to the new coronavirus, Sebastine Stephen was visiting his home in Kaduna state’s Gbagyi Villa, a suburb of the city of Kaduna, when armed Fulani attacked at about 11:30 p.m., according to area residents’ text messages to Morning Star News.

Area resident Hosea Yusuf told Morning Star News, “Stephen raised alarm, warning residents about the invasion of our community as he was still outside at the time the herdsmen came to attack the community. The herdsmen instantly shot him and then proceeded to enter one of the houses close to them, where they kidnapped a couple.”

Stephen was a Christian attending classes at Federal Polytechnic, Kaura Namoda, in Zamfara state, Gbagyi Villa resident Titus Patrick told Morning Star News. Kidnapped were Jack Nweke and his wife, also Christians.

“The Fulani herdsmen were over 50 carrying sophisticated guns and shooting sporadically,” Chris Obodumu told Morning Star News. “After they killed the young man, Sebastine Stephen, they then broke into the house of Mr. Jack Nweke and abducted him with his wife, leaving behind their three children.”

For the full story, go to

Intelligence officials in Cuba have increased harassment of an independent journalist, summoning the Christian and his mother twice so far to threaten harsh consequences if he continues reporting on human-rights issues.

As part of his Christian calling, Yoe Suárez has reported for nonstate media outlets in Cuba since 2014 about human rights and freedom-of-religion issues, including the imprisonment of husband-and-wife pastoral team Ramón Rigal and Adya Expósito. They were imprisoned in April 2019 for homeschooling their children.

“All they seek is to put pressure on me through my family,” Suárez told Morning Star News. “My mother is very disturbed—fearful for me and for the consequences I may suffer. Right now, she is not able to even speak.” Suárez is a member of the Cuban Evangelical League.

For the full story, go to

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