From the Editor Jan/Feb 2023

As a child, I asked my dad, “Why didn’t Jewish people fight the Nazis?”

He replied, “They couldn’t fight. You don’t understand.”

Today, I understand better as I see America turning into pre-World War II Germany. “A movement is now afoot in the United States,” wrote James Sinkinson for, “to drive Jews out of higher education—both teachers and students. . . . It is reminiscent of nothing less than the movement to expel Jews from the educational system in Nazi Germany.”

“The UC [University of California] Berkeley Law School’s branch of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) . . . convinced nine law school organizations to adopt a bylaw refusing to invite or sponsor any speaker who supports ‘Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel and the occupation of Palestine,’” Sinkinson reported. SJP has been linked to Hamas.

Many say the action establishes “Jew-free zones,” which it does. Across America, Jewish professors now complain of open antisemitism; and Jewish students and professors are intimidated and harassed simply for being Jewish.

How far will things go? We know from Scripture the human heart is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9). How wicked? A few years ago, I read an article in Haaretz by Gili Izikovich that involved the account of a prominent woman, Margit, “the daughter and heiress of European baron and tycoon Heinrich Thyssen,” who held a large dinner party in Rechnitz on the Austrian-Hungarian border in March 1945:

At the height of the evening, just for fun, 12 of the guests boarded trucks or walked to a nearby field, where 180 Jewish slave laborers . . . were assembled. They had already been forced to dig a large pit, strip, and get down on their knees. The guests took turns shooting them to death before returning to the party.

You can read the article online: “My Aunt Had a Dinner Party, and Then She Took Her Guests to Kill 180 Jews.”

This issue of Israel My Glory is about antisemitism—its root, its forms over the years, and how it is infiltrating the church today. We pray you take this subject seriously, remembering, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds” (2 Cor. 10:4), and that you oppose antisemitism and spread the love of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ, which can change the heart.

Waiting for His Appearing,
Lorna Simcox

1 thought on “From the Editor Jan/Feb 2023

  1. This is very similar to when reading the bible and prayers where taken out of schools here and see the current impact. May God help us.

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From the Editor Jan/Feb 2023

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