2 thoughts on “Plato Versus the Bible”
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I don’t know what the situation will be by the time you receive this issue of Israel My Glory. Today we’re “sheltering in place,” unable to go practically anywhere...
I am more of a doer than a thinker. It takes discipline for me to think before I act. Spending two weeks in Israel...
Premillennialism is less popular than it used to be. But it’s essential to...
On December 17, 2019, 16 leaders of The United Methodist Church signed the Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation...
The book of Acts opens after the disciples had been learning about the Kingdom of God for 40 days from the King Himself...
I have often heard the dispensational, premillennial view of the Bible criticized as too pessimistic and being all about Israel to the point that it denigrates the church...
Wow this is a wonderful article…man I can’t get over the point regarding the “nonmaterial”, and I’d also never heard about the ghost Jesus ideas. I sure am glad I read this one.
Thanks for writing this.
Hi Mr. Scott
I love this article. I’m thinking that Plato’s philosophy has led to the heresies of cults like JW, and Islam etc. There seems to be a direct connection between the idea that physical things are “bad” and spiritual things are good. I also think that while it’s extremely important to have a solid foundation in theology, Christians need to know more of early Church history and the heresies present at the time and that infiltrated into aspects of the cults. Was allegorization of scripture developed out of Plato’s philosophy? Christians need to understand how this impacted church theology e.g. the belief that the millennium is spiritual not physical.