Until We Meet Again
It is with both sadness and joy that we announce the homegoing of our dear friend and coworker, Bob Duarte, who entered the presence of the Lord he loved on January 12. Bob ministered faithfully for 20 years with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry as a U.S. West Coast representative in our Advancement Department.
With his wife, Patty, always at his side, Bob traveled countless miles throughout 15 states, visiting friends of our ministry to thank them for their interest and support. Bob was a true Christian statesman who represented his Lord, his family, and this ministry with honor and distinction.
Born on September 27, 1945, in Los Angeles, California, Bob placed his faith in Christ when he was 33 years old and never looked back. He and Patty married in 1964, four days after she turned 18, and enjoyed 56 years together. They received Christ within days of each other in January 1979 and were baptized together by their pastor, Dr. John MacArthur, at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, where they served for more than 40 years and where a memorial service was held for Bob in February.
After undergoing extensive yet unsuccessful treatment for multiple and recurring cancers, Bob decided to discontinue treatment and enter hospice care. In the weeks before the Lord called Bob home, more than 100 people came to their home to visit him.
The day before he passed into a coma, Bob had a smile on his face every time he opened his eyes. He told Patty he would love her forever and that he was going to be with Jesus, who would take care of her and their sons.
Besides Patty, Bob leaves behind his son Mike (married to Tina) and their children, Bryce and Lucas, and son Jason (married to Shelby) and their children, Taylor and Jacob.
Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord . . . that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them’” (Rev. 14:13).
We miss Bob tremendously, but we sorrow not as those who have no hope. We have the joy of knowing Bob is with the Savior, and we will meet again in heaven.