Renald Showers

The Holiness of God

When people sing, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, what are they singing about? What is the holiness of God? Some think that the sum total of God’s holiness is His sinlessness; however, that is not so.

The Millennial View of Early Church Leaders

The previous article began to examine the history of the different Millennial views which have been held by the organized Church during its time in the world. That article noted that numerous historians declare that Premillennialism…

A Description and Early History of Millennial Views

During the history of the Church three major views have been held concerning the future Kingdom of God foretold in such passages as Daniel 2 and 7. Today those three views are called Premillen­nialism, Amillennialism and Postmillennialism.

The New Covenant

Another significant biblical covenant which will determine important issues related to Israel and the future Kingdom of God is the New Covenant. According to the Old Testament the parties of this covenant would be God and the nation of Israel.

The Major Issues Related to The New Covenant

In the previous article it was noted that, although the Old Testament promised the New Covenant specifically to the literal nation of Israel, the Church also has a relationship to the New Covenant…

The Fulfillment of The Davidic Covenant

In the previous article it was noted that Amillennial and Pre­ millennial Bible scholars disagree concerning when and how God’s promises regarding David in the Davidic Covenant are to be ful­filled in Jesus Christ.

The Davidic Covenant

After David had become firmly established as king over the entire nation of Israel (2 Sam. 7:1), he expressed the desire to build a permanent house of worship for God in Jerusalem (2 Sam. 7:2-3).

The Palestinian or Deuteronomic Covenant

Earlier it was noted that a number of the biblical covenants determine the final outcome of several important issues related to Israel and the future Kingdom of God. One of those covenants, the Abrahamic, has been examined already.

The Effects of The Abrahamic Covenant Upon Israel

The previous article examined the biblical evidence for the unconditional nature of the Abrahamic Covenant. The present article will consider the effect of that covenant, particularly upon the nation of Israel.

The Abrahamic Covenant

It is not hyperbole to say that every spiritual blessing which the child of God possesses can trace its origin back to the Abrahamic Covenant.


The two previous articles examined the first six dispensations which are recognized by the majority of Dispensational Theologians. This article will review the seventh dispensation and will consider several significant factors related to Dispensational Theology.


The fourth dispensation extended from God’s call of Abraham to the giving of the Mosaic Law at Mount Sinai. The Scripture portion which covers this dispensation is Genesis 12 – Exodus 18.

A Presentation of Dispensational Theology

The majority of Dispensational Theologians are convinced that the Scriptures reveal seven dispensations of God’s rule which cover the scope of history. Inasmuch as foundational matters related to Dispensational Theology were considered in the previous article…

A Presentation of Dispensational Theology

In the last four issues of Israel My Glory, a clear, concise and historically accurate presentation of Covenant Theology was given. This article is the first in a series presenting the biblical basis for Dispensationalism as a preferred system of theology.

An Evaluation of Covenant Theology

In the previous article concerning Covenant Theology, several aspects of that system’s Covenant of Grace were considered. In this present article further aspects of that same Covenant of Grace will be examined.

An Evaluation of Covenant Theology

In the two previous articles of this series, the system of thought which is known as Covenant Theology was examined in survey fashion.  Now that that examination has been completed…

Covenant Theology

Over the last three to four hun­dred years Bible-believing schol­ars have developed two distinct approaches to expositing the Bible’s philosophy of history. Each approach has produced a system of theology.

The Stigma of The Cross

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness;…But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Gentiles foolishness (1 Cor. 1:18,23).