God is Omniscient
Omniscience means having complete and unlimited knowledge and understanding of all things. No one fits this description but God. He alone is omniscient. Only He possesses perfect knowledge of Himself and all His plans (Mt. 11:27).
Everything in existence manifests God’s sovereign free will, which He alone decrees (Isa. 46:9–10). God’s knowledge is intuitive; He instinctively knows what is true without conscious reasoning and does not acquire knowledge through observation. His knowledge never increases or decreases.
Thus, God is all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-wise. He knows all things because they exist in His being and plan. The past, present, and future are ever present to God because He consciously and eternally perceives them.
God knows all things because He created and sustains all things, and He oversees the operation of everything at every point in history. Job asked, “Can anyone teach God knowledge?” (Job 21:22). The answer is no because God knows all things (1 Jn. 3:20).
Even the days of our lives are controlled by God (Job 14:1–5). He knows our thoughts before we act on them (Ps. 139:2–4) and knows even the smallest details of life, such as the death of a sparrow and the number of hairs on our heads (Mt. 10:29–30).
God’s divine foresight governs all nature. He ordains geographical limits on Earth, showing His sovereignty and authority over all nations throughout world history (Acts 17:26). “He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel” (Dt. 32:8).
God’s knowledge is infinite and immeasurable in terms of space and time (Ps. 147:4–5). His “understanding is unsearchable” (Isa. 40:28) to the human mind. We cannot comprehend the magnitude of His being, yet He is knowable to mankind.
Knowing God is omniscient gives true believers assurance that they will never be forgotten during their lives on Earth and beyond. From eternity past, He set His love on them to establish an intimate relationship with them now and in their final glorification forever (Rom. 8:29–30; Eph. 1:11–12).
The apostle Paul searched the universe to see if anything could possibly separate believers from God’s love or eternal presence. He concluded that nothing on Earth now or in the future can ever separate believers from God’s love (Rom. 8:38–39). Remember, when you face troubled days, God is omniscient. He knows your situation and its outcome.