Pale of Settlement: Czarist Russia’s Giant Ghetto

Here’s a phenomenon worth investigating: How did God preserve the Jewish people as a distinct group while they were exiled from their homeland and scattered throughout the world? The answer is a painful one. When God set them apart as a special treasure to Himself (Dt. 7:6), the byproduct became hatred and alienation. For millennia, the nations have ostracized the Jewish people and made their l

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1 thought on “Pale of Settlement: Czarist Russia’s Giant Ghetto

  1. Shalom Cameron.

    Thanks so much for this article. My heart continues to weep for the Jewish people. As Jeremiah said in chapter 17:9 – “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?” I will never understand how there can be such hatred in the minds of men toward a nation of people generation after generation. However, such is the case when man has rejected God…Satan is the one who will rule in the minds and hearts of those who choose to walk in darkness.

    I also see God’s great wisdom in the ways He has preserved His people as a distinct group, painful as it was…and still is.


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Pale of Settlement: Czarist Russia’s Giant Ghetto

Here’s a phenomenon worth investigating: How did God preserve the Jewish people...

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