Redefining the Gospel

A look at the true Good News and how it’s being turned into different news today When our children were young, my wife and I would take them every October 31 to the storage shed behind our house. They each brought a sheet of paper on which they had written a simple sentence thanking God for something: “Thank you, God, for the Bible,” or “Thank you, God, for salvation.” Inside the s

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8 thoughts on “Redefining the Gospel

  1. I sure appreciate the clear gospel presentation. So many teachers throw in “repent of your sins”. I need your help. Someone gave me an “After the Tribulation ” documentary, put out by Framing the World and i don’t know how to refute it.

  2. I find it interesting that this article is about redefining the gospel and yet under the heading “What is the Gospel” there is no mention of repentance. Satan and his minions believe the facts of the gospel, and they tremble; of course they have no faith and have not repented. This type of “salvation” at the end of the article is what I grew up with in church. I was an adult before realizing I needed to repent of my sin-biblical definition being a change of mind that leads to a change in direction. When we repent and have faith in what Jesus did for us on the cross, He makes us a new creature, He gives us a new heart, one that no longer is enslaved to sin, but enslaved to righteousness (Rom 6). One that wants to obey Him. We are not saved by works, but true saving faith produces works; faith without works is dead (James 2:14-26). For the record, repentance is not a work we do either, it is granted to us by God. 2Tim. 2:25; Acts 11:18; 2 Cor. 7:9-10
    Apparently there are different definitions of “Lordship salvation” too. But if Jesus is not your Lord, He is not your Savior either. 1 John 2:3-6

    1. I too find this bundling of types of gospel un-helpful and confusing. I have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God is within me, I am saved by Grace through Faith, and I am now a creation in Christ. Old things have passed away, all things have become new. My mom follows this ministry. It was time for me to check out some of the information she is being fed, yes fed. I now know why she is so confused about what she believes. Oh my goodness, there is much deception here.

  3. Dear FOI & Bruce Scott,

    THANK YOU for the clear article on the Gospel!

    It is important that we keep the means of “Salvation” separate from our “Service”. Yes a Christian “should” serve after they are saved (read the writings of Paul), but by no means is that “service” a part of our “salvation”… that would be a works based Gospel. Any doctrine that ties Our works with Gods grace for salvation is heresy. (Galatians 1:8-9)

    Thank you also for ONLY using the Bible to defend this position. If we HAVE to use a modern day teacher/author to defend our position on a doctrine, and not just the Word of God, then we are truly in error.

  4. I have listened to your radio program and read articles in the past, and I wanted to let you all know that this article is of concern to me.
    The fact that you all lumped lordship salvation into the non-gospel category shows your ignorance of the theology behind those who promote the Lord’s gospel. Faith by its nature yields works. The view of lordship salvation describes above is a misrepresentation of those that I know believe in the necessity of the lordship of Christ in the believer’s life.
    All lordship salvation is made up of is cause and effect. I liken it to being hit by a car: If you are hit by a car, you change physically. How much more would the Spirit if God dwelling in you change you? All lordship salvation does is echo the theology of Paul, and of Jesus himself. “For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Eph. 2:10. “…if the Son sets you free, you are free, indeed.” John 8. You have misrepresented the proponents of lordship salvation to your readers. If you do indeed accuse a group of not believing the true Gospel in the future, could you please cite evidence of specific teachers to back up your claims? This article comes dangerously close to slander.
    Best regards.

    1. “All lordship salvation is made up of is cause and effect.” That would maybe be true, if you could omit the obvious pride and self righteousness. ” Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”2Cor.11:15

  5. Are we really under the Great Commission? with its signs and wonders that were to follow those that believe. Paul’s commission was not to baptize, this is quite a distinction that truly distinguishes the Church from Israel’s Kingdom Gospel. When the Rapture has taken place, I believe the 144,000 will complete this Gospel of the Kingdom and then the end will come. The Great Commission I believe was temporarily set aside due to Israel’s fall as a nation to repent and receive her promised Kingdom. God in His Mercy chooses the leader of this Rebellion Saul of Tarsus.
    I believe the error of seeking to obey Great Commission by Christians perpetrates the confusion of believing baptism is required and that we have apostolic powers today that the charismatic movement gets so caught up in. When Apostle Paul was chosen there is a clear progressive change with the introduction of the Gospel of Grace of No Works of the Law, the Apostolic powers as well diminished when his revelation was complete. Paul is not one of the 12 he was set apart from them. He alone is the Pattern for all believers today. I have heard some state that Christ commands to the 12 were his last commands. NO they clearly are not. The Risen Christ chose Paul revealed the Mystery to him then Paul reveals it to them. Only Peter was shown that God was going to do a work with the gentiles apart from the Law, but Peter at this point did not elevate or glory in the Cross as Paul, only Paul was entrusted with the Dispensation in which we find ourselves in, his commands along with his letters to the church are our marching orders. We easily attached the ten commandments to Moses for God chose him to receive them directly from Him. Apostle Paul is uniquely chosen as well by Christ Himself, so today it’s Paul’s Gospel, its Paul’s commission.

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