
News Digest — 8/2/23

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah warned that armed groups in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and the Palestinian territories would “prevent attacks” on…

The Violence Continues

In three instances in Israel last week Israelis dealt with violent attacks from Palestinians. One of those occurred in a town near Nablus in…

News Digest — 8/1/23

Recent days have seen several security-related incidents along the Israel-Jordan border, as seven people illegally crossed into the country, sparking…

News Digest — 7/31/23

The IDF operated overnight in the Jenin “refugee” camp for the first time since its major counterterrorism operation in June and arrested…

News Digest — 7/28/23

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will convene a discussion on Sunday (30th) that will focus on the…

News Digest — 7/27/23

Thousands of Jews are expected to visit the Temple Mount on Thursday (27th), Tisha B’Av, which is one of the prime days for…

News Digest — 7/26/23

Jews around the world are set to mark, remember and mourn on Tisha B’Av (the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av) Wednesday night (26th) and…

Reaction to Overhaul

On July 24 the Knesset passed ‘the reasonableness’ bill, the first part of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s overhaul of the judiciary…

News Digest — 7/25/23

Three Palestinian gunmen were killed by Israeli forces while attempting an attack at a small Samaritan community in the northern…

News Digest — 7/24/23

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was discharged from Sheba Medical Center on Monday morning (24th) after two days of recovery in the…

News Digest — 7/21/23

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said there are ongoing efforts to reach consensus ahead of the crucial Knesset vote on a bill aimed at…

News Digest — 7/20/23

Palestinian gunmen attacked Jewish worshipers at Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus late Wednesday night (19th) according to a Thursday morning (20th) Israeli Defense…

News Digest — 7/19/23

Two Syrian soldiers were injured after alleged Israeli airstrikes targeted sites in the Damascus area on Tuesday night (18th) according to…

News Digest — 7/18/23

US President Joe Biden spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday evening (17th) for the first time in four months and extended an invitation to…

News Digest — 7/17/23

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen landed in Kenya on Sunday (16th) for a short visit at the invitation of the African…

New Digest — 7/14/23

The Wall Street Journal on Friday morning (14th) published an op-ed harshly criticizing the Biden administration for its treatment of the Israeli…

News Digest — 7/13/23

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Serbia on Wednesday morning (12th) in what was the first…

News Digest — 7/12/23

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant will leave for an official visit to Azerbaijan’s capital of Baku on Wednesday evening (12th), the Defense Ministry…

News Digest — 7/11/23

The Knesset overnight passed along partisan lines a bill to restrict the use of the “reasonableness” standard by the Supreme Court. The bill was advanced by a vote of 64-56…

It’s On…Again!

Over the past few weeks Israeli Defense forces have engaged terrorists in Jenin in combat. Following serious terror attacks, including the deaths of…

News Digest — 7/10/23

Israel’s security cabinet, by a majority of eight to one, with one abstention, voted Sunday evening (9th) to prevent the collapse of the Palestinian Authority…

News Digest — 7/7/23

The two terrorists that carried out Thursday’s (6th) shooting attack on a police car in the Samaritan neighborhood of Har Bracha were…

News Digest — 7/6/23

Two rockets were fired from southern Lebanon towards Israel on Thursday (6th), one of them landing in Lebanese territory and…

News Digest — 7/5/23

The IDF struck the Gaza Strip early Wednesday morning (5th) after five rockets were fired from the Strip toward the Sderot area in southern Israel…

News Digest — 7/3/23

The IDF on Sunday night (2nd) launched its largest operation in Jenin since the Second Intifada with a series of more than…

News Digest — 6/30/23

The Mossad Thursday evening (29th) revealed additional details about the planned Iranian terrorist attack against Jewish and Israeli targets in Cyprus which was thwarted…

News Digest — 6/29/23

Israeli police arrested 15 suspects for hanging a sign with photos of terrorists and waving flags of terror organizations after the Muslim Eid al-Adha…

EU Called Upon to Prosecute Israel

The European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee petitioned the European Union “to help the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israel for war crimes” on Tuesday…

News Digest — 6/28/23

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to visit China next month in a move that is seen as undermining Jerusalem’s relationship with…

News Digest — 6/27/23

The Civil Administration’s Higher Planning Council on Monday (26th) approved the construction of approximately 5,700 units throughout Judea and Samaria…

News Digest — 6/26/23

Israel on Sunday evening (25th) confirmed Cypriot media reports that an Iranian terrorist attack against Israeli and Jewish targets in the Island nation of Cyprus was thwarted…

News Digest — 6/23/23

Nearly half of Israelis support the launch of a large-scale military operation in Judea and Samaria following recent deadly terror attacks, according to a new poll…

News Digest — 6/22/23

The IDF on Wednesday night (21st) killed a terror cell in the West Bank using a drone, an unusual move generally reserved for targeting major terrorists or…

Hezbollah Infiltrates Israel

Lebanese terror group Hezbollah set up a terrorist outpost in Israel sometime in the past few weeks. Hezbollah stationed eight armed terrorists in…

News Digest — 6/21/23

Hours after two Hamas terrorists massacred Israelis at a gas station in the Binyamin region north of Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a stern warning to…

News Digest — 6/20/23

Israel’s Jewish population will number close to 12 million by the country’s 100th Birthday, according to a projection released by the Central Bureau of statistics…

Answering Israel’s Critics

Detractors of Israel accuse Israel of being ‘an Apartheid State’, racist, colonialist, and other pejoratives. However, the population of Israel’s ethnic and…

News Digest — 6/19/23

Multiple Israeli troops sustained injuries Monday (19th) after coming under fire while concluding an arrest in the West Bank city of Jenin. The fighters are said to have…

News Digest — 6/16/23

Five years after the U.S. dedicated its new embassy in Jerusalem, Russia is set to follow suit, Israel Hayom revealed. According to the newspaper, in a secret agreement…

News Digest — 6/15/23

Iran’s President arrived in Cuba early Thursday (15th) morning, according to Trabajadores, Cuban pro-government newspaper.  He was met at the airport by…

News Digest — 6/14/23

A Syrian soldier was seriously injured in alleged Israeli airstrikes that targeted sites near Damascus early Wednesday morning (14th), according to Syrian state…

A Holy Task

Following the Nazis rise to power in 1933 they began their attacks on the Jews. An action in 1939 “designed to humiliate, punish, and exclude Jews” was the…

News Digest — 6/13/23

The Israeli government has informed the Biden administration of its intentions to approve 4,000 new housing units in Judea and Samaria this month…

News Digest — 6/12/23

A senior source in Israel responded to the concern of the diplomatic and security echelons following reports that Iran and the West may reach an agreement on a…

News Digest — 6/9/23

An attempted stabbing attack occurred on Friday morning (9th) at the Rantis checkpoint near Ramallah. A suspected terrorist who arrived at the scene tried to steal…

News Digest — 6/8/23

The political-security cabinet is expected to give its approval to a plan to attack Iran if such a proposal is raised by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and…

News Digest — 6/7/23

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Tuesday (6th) threatened to bomb Hezbollah and Lebanon “into the stone age,” if the terror group “makes a mistake and starts…

News Digest — 6/6/23

Two Israeli soldiers were wounded in a car-ramming attack in the northern West Bank town of Huwara on Monday evening (5th), the military and medical officials said. The Israel Defense…

One Life at a Time

Like modern Israel, founded in 1948, Sheba Tel HaShomer has gained global acclaim as a Top Ten Global Hospital by Newsweek in 2019…

News Digest — 6/5/23

One of the terrorists who murdered Israeli civilian Malachi Rosenfeld was given two life sentences by an IDF military court on Sunday (4th), the IDF’s Spokesperson’s Unit…

News Digest — 6/2/23

The Security Cabinet is set to meet this week to discuss a potential multi-front conflict including Iran and Hezbollah, amid concerns of Tehran’s progress toward…

Humble Beginnings

In 1948, with the War of Independence under way Israel needed nearly every kind of weaponry, ammunition, and manpower to face the five Arab armies…

News Digest — 6/1/23

Hungary will be the first EU member state to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen announced during a visit to Budapest Wednesday (5/30). “Hungary supports…

News Digest — 5/31/23

Meir Tamari, who was killed Tuesday afternoon (5/30) in a shooting attack was a relative of terror-victim Esther Horgan, who was murdered in December 2020. Horgan had…

News Digest — 5/30/23

Israel’s President Isaac Herzog and his wife Michal on Tuesday morning (30th) arrived for a state visit to Baku, Azerbaijan at the invitation of the country’s…

News Digest — 5/26/23

An attempted terror attack was thwarted in the Jewish settlement of Teneh Omarim, close to Hebron, on Friday morning (26th). Shortly before 10 am, a terrorist…

News Digest — 5/25/23

Israeli security forces arrested early Thursday morning (25th) a Palestinian terrorist fugitive involved in a September 2022 shooting and firebombing attack on…

How Israel and Hamas Treat Spies

Hamas charged three Palestinians in Gaza with collaborating with Israel and sentenced them to death and gave a fourth man a life sentence with hard labor on Tuesday (23rd)…

News Digest — 5/24/23

An Israeli Arab from Umm al-Fahm was arrested by the Shin Bet and Israel Police after he was recruited by Hamas to conduct a bombing attack on a bus in…

News Digest — 5/23/23

Over 20 Israeli firefighting teams continued attempts to gain control of a wildfire blazing next to the Dead Sea on Tuesday morning (23rd).  Preliminary investigations determined…

Going Deeper

Iran is building an underground nuclear facility near the Natanz nuclear facility. It seeks to go deeper than the US bunker buster bombs could reach…

News Digest — 5/22/23

Israeli security forces killed three Palestinians during a raid near Nablus, early on Monday (22nd), the Palestinian Health Ministry said, in what Army Radio described as…

News Digest — 5/19/23

Many thousands of Jews took part in the annual Jerusalem Day Flag March on Thursday evening (18th) in celebration of the 56th anniversary of the liberation and reunification of…

News Digest — 5/18/23

Police Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai warned Wednesday night (17th) ahead of the Flag March scheduled to take place Thursday (18th) in Jerusalem…

News Digest — 5/17/23

Negotiating teams from the Opposition and Coalition who have been meeting at the President’s Residence for talks aimed at reaching an agreement on judicial reform have…

News Digest — 5/16/23

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen on Monday (15th) hailed a “new era” in the relationship between Sweden and Israel, as he began a visit to Stockholm, the first by…

Rockets and Reprisals

Over the past five days 1,000 rockets were launched by Islamic Jihad into Israel, including rockets toward Jerusalem, as Hamas assisted by sheltering the terrorists…

News Digest — 5/15/23

Palestinian terrorists fired a rocket into southern Israel on Sunday (14th), prompting Israel Air Force planes to hit back, targeting Hamas observation posts.  The launch…

News Digest — 5/12/23

The Prime Minister’s Office issued a statement at the conclusion of a security situation assessment conducted on Thursday evening (11th) by…

News Digest — 5/11/23

The IDF struck a mortar launcher belonging to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist movement near Beit Lahiya, killing PIJ rocket commander Ali Ghali in…

News Digest — 5/10/23

Israeli aircraft conducted strikes on Palestinian Islamic Jihad targets in the Gaza Strip early Tuesday (9th), the Israeli military said. The PIJ group said three senior commanders and…

News Digest — 5/3/23

A total of 104 rockets were fired into Israel between Tuesday (2nd) and Wednesday (3rd), most by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad with some participation from…

News Digest — 5/2/23

Three rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip toward southern Israel on Tuesday morning (2nd), just hours after Palestinian Islamic Jihad official Khader Adnan died after…

US Speaker in Israel

In Israel heading a joint delegation. United States Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy met with both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog…

News Digest — 5/1/23

Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Congressman Kevin McCarthy arrived in Israel on Sunday afternoon (4/30) together with a delegation of…

News Digest — 4/28/23

Udai Al-Azizi, a leader in the Nablus-based Lion’s Den terrorist group, turned himself in to the Palestinian Authority’s security forces in the early hours of Friday morning…

News Digest — 4/27/23

On Wednesday (26th), the ceremony for the President’s Award for Excellence took place at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem.  During the ceremony, the…

Holiday Hostilities

After solemnly observing Memorial Day on Tuesday, Israel celebrates its Independence Day today, marking its 75th anniversary since its inception in 1948…

News Digest — 4/26/23

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the nation in a televised speech on Tuesday evening (25th) as Israel closed out Remembrance Day and began celebrating…

The Price of Freedom

Today is Yom HaZikaron, the Israeli Memorial Day. In considering the fatalities Israel has faced in its quest for freedom and independence…

News Digest — 4/25/23

Sirens blared for two minutes across the country as Israelis stopped to remember fallen soldiers and victims of terror on Tuesday morning (25th).  The siren was followed by…

News Digest — 4/24/23

An Israeli artillery strike targeted a site belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist movement near Quneitra in southwest Syria early Monday morning (24th), according to…

News Digest — 4/21/23

Fifty-nine IDF soldiers have fallen in defense of the State of Israel since last Remembrance Day, bringing the total number of soldiers killed since 1860 to…

News Digest — 4/20/23

There will be no replacement for the ‘People’s Army’ IDF conscription model, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi said on Thursday morning (20th) following outrage over…

News Digest — 4/19/23

Security forces on Wednesday (19th) apprehended the terrorist who shot and wounded two Israelis in Jerusalem Tuesday (18th), according to a joint statement from…

From Horror to Hope

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. At Auschwitz, the site of the death camp and crematoria that murdered 3 million Jewish people, the March for the Living is held…

News Digest — 4/18/23

At exactly 10 a.m. on Holocaust Remembrance Tuesday (18th), the country of Israel stood still to observe the memory of the six million Jews murdered…

News Digest — 4/17/23

The number of Holocaust survivors living in Israel stands at nearly 150,000 according to statistics published on Sunday (16th) by the Holocaust Survivors’ Rights Authority ahead of…

News Digest — 4/14/23

Palestinians crowded the Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque on Thursday night (13th) and extra security forces headed to Jerusalem as the capital braced for the…

News Digest — 4/13/23

A delegation of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist movement visited Baghdad on Wednesday (12th) at the invitation of Iraqi officials. The delegation was led by…

News Digest — 4/12/23

The Temple Mount will be closed to Jewish visitors from Wednesday (12th) to the end of the month of Ramadan, which is set to end near the end of next week, Prime Minister…

News Digest — 4/11/23

Five Palestinians who were planning to carry out a terrorist attack in the coming hours were arrested by the IDF, Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and Border Police in…

Five Attacks

In 2009 I went to Israel for two weeks to attend a friend’s wedding. On my touring day in Jerusalem, my cab driver and guide, Moussa, greeted me and off we went…

News Digest — 4/10/23

Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant on Sunday (9th) completed a tour of the Menashe division in northern Samaria, together with the relevant commanders in…