A Man Called Hezi

Sunday, February 26, was a beautiful morning in Midland, Texas. In less than five minutes I would be preaching the first two morning messages at the Midland Bible Church. I was anxious to get into the pulpit.

Has God Rejected Israel? Romans 11:1-10

That’s the question the Apostle Paul posed as he opened the 11th chapter of Romans. For nearly two thousand years, many have asked the same question, and the majority of Christendom has answered, “Yes.”

Joel of Jerusalem Apr/May 1989

While traveling recently, I met and spoke with two men who are representatives of the educational system in Israel.  They had just returned from a visit to the United States to observe the schools in that country. 

The Charge Against Israel Part 2

“I didn’t hear you!” Those were probably the most often used words of my early school years. There was nothing wrong with my ears. My hearing wasn’t impaired. I simply chose to let my mind wander and not pay attention to my teachers.

Joel of Jerusalem Feb/Mar 1989

I live in an apartment-type building in Jerusalem, and all the residents own their own flats. We have a “house committee” to represent the residents, and for ten years I was a member of that committee.

The Messiah of The Common People

Today many people are confused by the differing sects and denominations of Christendom. The Jewish community today is also divided into various groups -Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, etc.

The Men of Qumran and the Messiah

He decided to climb the face of the cliff himself to bring them back. Little did Juma realize as he began his climb on that January day in 1947 that those straying goats would eventually…

The Sons of Noah

The ark had been parked. The deluge was passed, and it was now time for Noah and his family to enter into the post­ diluvian brave new world that awaited them.

Moses and The Messiah

There were three administrative offices given by the Lord God to Israel to rule over and guide them – the king, the priest and the prophet. The king ruled over Israel for God; the priest represented the people before God;

Joel of Jerusalem Dec/Jan 1987/1988

In the days preceding Christmas, many people in Israel ask believers, “How can God have a birthday?” The concept of the birth of Jesus is very hard for the Jewish people to accept.

Men Cannot Curse What God Has Blessed

Anyone who has travelled with small children will remember the question that inevitably arises from at least one of them, “Are we almost there?” Sometimes the query is, “How much longer before we get there?”

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

If a poll were taken to determine which of Jacob’s twelve sons were the most famous, certainly either Joseph or Judah would be the favored one. Although more space is given in the Scriptures…

The Seed of The Woman

Conversations between individuals have often turned the tide of history. A conversation between Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill decided the fate of millions in post-war Europe.

The Sad Ones and The Savior

The passengers were seated in the jetliner as it climbed to its cruising altitude. Over the intercom came a calm voice notifying everyone that the plane was fully automated – in fact, there were no cabin attendants and no pilots!

“I am the light of the world”

The Jewish holiday of Chanukkah originated in the year 165 B.C. It commemorates the victorious struggle of the Jewish people against Syrian oppression for national survival and religious freedom.

The Day of The Lord Unveiled

Judah had asked, “Where is the God of justice?” With sarcastic skepticism, the nation had questioned whether God was even available to take just action against the wicked and provide justice for the righteous.

The Grace of God In The Life Of A Twice-Born Jewess

What a privilege to share what God has done in my life! The oldest of three children, I was reared in a Jewish home by good, loving parents. Although we rarely attended synagogue, we celebrated the holidays.

David: The Man and His God

The biography of a man’s life can be written chronologically, by subject or by events that trace the course of that life. We can study his background, upbringing, marriage, family and even his death.

It Took A Miracle

My dad obtained a position in a shoe store, but the working conditions there were uncomfortable, and this resulted in his becoming dissatisfied with life. One day a Jewish lady walked into the store and requested to see my father.

JUDAH: Tribe of King Messiah

If a poll were taken as to which of Jacob’s twelve sons is the most famous, certainly either Joseph or Judah would be the favored one. Although more space is given to the personal history of Joseph…

Joel of Jerusalem Dec/Jan 1984/1985

Many times I ask myself why I must move so often in my work. It is certainly not by my own choice, but it has been happening for years. One advantage to this constant changing of jobs…

When God Remembers Israel Part Eight

The Prophet Zechariah had been sent to the Jewish people who had returned from the Babylonian captivity. They had experienced few blessings and had known no victory for a long time.

Immanuel, God With Us

Legally, he was the right man for the job, He was a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Judah and of the family of David. He had a right to rule over Israel.

The Time of Christ’s Return

The disciples were crushed. Jesus was leaving. They had followed Him for three years. The way had been long, the road rough, the obstacles many and the confrontations with the Jewish leadership perplexing.

The Sign of His Coming!

Jesus is coming again. Nature impatiently awaits it (Rom. 8:19-21). Justice legally demands it (Mt. 24:27-28). Christians eagerly anticipate it (Heb. 9:28). And the Bible authoritatively proclaims it (Mt. 24:32-35).

Will The Real Messiah Please Stand Up!

We nearly fell out of our cushioned synagogue seats when we heard the rabbi’s answer! I had accompanied a group of believers from a suburban Detroit church to a conservative synagogue to learn more about Jewish beliefs and customs.


Little did David know when he penned Psalm 22 that he would record more details about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus than are recorded in any other chapter of the Old Testament.


In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, mankind is oblivious to the sovereignty of the divine King of kings. The world, and its problems, seems to continually turn with no answers to the dilemmas.


Long ago a church father articulated a most important truth about biblical study: “The New Testament is in the Old concealed, and the Old Testament is in the New revealed.”

5 Minutes with the Director

If one thinks about it — and I am writing this editorial to encourage you to do so — the birth and death of Jesus are uniquely ironic.

THE LAMB Personified in the Prophets…

The Supreme Court had not yet banned Bible reading in the public schools, so there was nothing unusual about a Jewish teen­ager telling his parents that his teacher had read from the Bible.

Joel of Jerusalem Feb/Mar 1982

I would like to tell you about our Passover celebration last year. As in every other year, my home was completely full on the Passover evening. Ii was expecting about ten people, but many more than that came.

A Word of Hope

For many people, ‘hope’ is simply the balancing of probabilities. A man wants to play golf. He looks out the window and says, “I ‘hope’ it doesn’t rain today” – but he knows it might.

God Keeps His Promises . . .

God’s promises are always enough – His Word is truth. He is not a man, that He should lie (Num. 23:19). What God’s mouth has spoken, His right arm of power will always perform.

VIEW FROM OLIVET second coming & the kingdom

It was near the conclusion of His earthly ministry that Jesus confirmed the certainty of a future kingdom upon the earth. Intertwined with that truth was the promise that He himself would return to establish and maintain this earthly kingdom…

When Can We Expect The Messiah?

Messianic expectation in Israel was reaching a climax. The people of Israel had chafed under Roman domination for many years – suffering, waiting, hoping for the promised Deliverer, the Messiah, to come and set them free and establish His kingdom over Israel.

Should Jews Believe In Jesus?

These were the words emblazoned on the front of a flyer printed by the Hillel Union Of Jewish Students and distributed on the Arizona State University campus.

Messiah’s Resurrection Foretold in The Old Testament

The Old Testament declares the bodily resurrection of Christ. This doctrine is normally understood because of New Testament teaching. What is not commonly understood is that the Old Testament substantiates this same truth.

The Incarnation

During the course of human history, there have been many great men. A few, like Washington and Lincoln, have their birthdays remembered because those days have become national holidays.

The Man with the Answers

“He seems to have an answer for everything.” “He always has the last word.” These comments are often heard today. Usually they describe some individual who is a “fast talker” — one who has a way with words.