
The Fatal Vision Amos 7:1–17

Welcome to the decade of the 90s! Countdown to the year 2000 has already begun. The futurist is busy forecasting sweeping global changes, precipitated by perestroika and glasnost, which he believes will bring worldwide peace…

Joel of Jerusalem Feb/Mar 1990

It is no secret that people have a fear of death. It is an unknown commodity, and people are naturally afraid of the unknown. But death cannot be avoided.

The Light Shines Brighter Still

Most people in the world don’t know much about Hanukkah—they should. All most of us see in it are those quaint eight-branched candelabra which adorn the outside of synagogues or are seen in public displays…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Moving to the Final Decade

In a matter of days we will collectively enter the final ten years of this millennium. It has been a long haul, and there were times along the way when it looked as though humanity would not make it.

The Mythology of the Magi

The visit of the magi to the Child-Messiah, recorded in Matthew 2:1–12, is one of the most familiar biblical scenes to most Christians. The average conception of this event, however, has been unfortunately marred…

Problems in the Church: Duty

In previous studies we have looked at several problems which existed in the Corinthian church. Chapters 1 to 4 discuss the problem of division, while chapters 5 and 6 address the problem of discipline.

I Have a Jewish Friend

Hi my name is Amy, and I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose again. That makes me a Christian. I know I’ll go to Heaven when I die.

A Word to the Wealthy

Amos 6:1–14: John Wesley’s statement concerning the use of wealth was sensible: “Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can!”* Wesley was calling the Christian to a scriptural balance in the use of his finances.

Joel of Jerusalem Dec/Jan 1989/1990

It is getting near the time of year when Jews over the world celebrate Hanukkah, the Feast of Lights, an exciting time, especially for the children. Of course, there is very little said in Israel about Christmas

Intifada: A Special Report

Intifada—the word carries the ring of a ricocheting bullet. It translates to English as uprising, the symbol of Arab rebellion against Israeli rule. To Ishmael’s children, it is a dream word, a word pregnant with visions of an Arab mini-state.

Intifada: Through a Soldier’s Eyes

The following interview was done by Israel My Glory with an Israeli believer who is a Sabra (a Jew born in Israel). His comments mirror the frustration, resentment, and personal problems encountered…

The Restoration of Israel Part Two

A number of years ago the late David Ben-Gurion, first Prime Minister of Israel, received a letter from Dr. William Culbertson of Moody Bible Institute. After thanking Mr. Ben-Gurion for meeting with him during his stay in Israel…

Domestic Problems in the Church Today

Among the greatest problems faced by the Church has been maintaining proper domestic relations. It touches every family. We are all somehow involved with home, children, or family relationships—no one is an entity unto himself.

Israel, Seek God and Live

Israel looked like the picture of health. Religious zeal was at an all-time high. Israelis were enjoying unprecedented prosperity. Political order ruled the day. Peace permeated the nation’s borders.

Nehemiah: A Biblical Model for Leaders

This article seeks to derive and apply lessons on leadership from the life of Nehemiah as they are recorded in the book bearing his name in the Old Testament.

Miraculously Spared

Abu Ghosh, Israel—Miracles do not happen everyday; therefore, when they do occur, we must thank the Lord, who alone has the power to perform miracles. So it was with my wife and me on Thursday, July 6.

Confronting the Future

Missionaries will tell you that the people who take the best photographs of their fields of service are often first-time visitors. They see things which are of riveting interest to people not close to the ministries or landscape.

Such As I Have

Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee. What shall we have, therefore? Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I thee.

The Restoration of Israel Part One

Every Gentile Christian should have a keen interest in the future of the Jewish people. Without a firm conviction in a future plan for Israel, Gentiles can open themselves up to pride and arrogance toward the Jew.

A Debt to Pay

Question 20 people on the street about why America has risen to become a land of such power and plenty, and you are likely to hear 20 different answers.

The Visit of the Boy Jesus to Jerusalem

The raving maniac died! The various loathsome diseases which inflicted Herod the Great had claimed his impious life. Archlaus, his eldest son, had received the subordinate title of Ethnarch, and his jurisdiction was over Judea…

Problems in the Church Today

DISCIPLINE! No one likes to be disciplined. Yet the right amount of discipline administered in the proper way is necessary for our lives. It causes us to mature and keeps us from going astray.

Psalm 113

Praise ye the Lᴏʀᴅ. Praise, O ye servants of the Lᴏʀᴅ, praise the name of the Lᴏʀᴅ. Blessed be the name of the Lᴏʀᴅ from this time forth and for evermore.

Israel, Prepare to Meet Thy God

Israel had expanded her borders, taken control of major trade routes, and grown extremely prosperous during the reign of Jeroboam II. An upper-class society had emerged and clothed itself in opulence at the expense of the poor.

Eastward Ho!

“GO WEST, YOUNG MAN, GO WEST” was the advice of Horace Greeley to 18th century America The “Horace Greeleys” of the 1980’s might be heard to rephrase that advice thus: “Go east, young man, go east.”

Joel of Jerusalem Aug/Sep 1989

In Ecclesiastes 1:9b–10 it is written, “there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? It hath been already of old time, which was before us.”

Who Are We That We Should Choose Our Way?

I had begun the three-block walk from my home to the bus stop. It was an almost daily ritual, and the scenery was familiar. I was in my second year in Bible college studying for the ministry. 

Another Look at the Pharisees

A third-century rabbi, reflecting on the past history of his people, remarked, “Israel went into exile only after it became divided into twenty-four sects.”

Problems in the Church Today

Wouldn’t it be marvelous to belong to a church where everything ran smoothly? If all the items of business were passed by unanimous vote, business meetings would become a pleasure rather than the long…

The Purpose of Israel’s Stumble

When Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, asked his chaplain to give him the strongest evidence for the Christian faith, his chaplain’s reply was, “Israel!” Long after other great civilizations have expired…

Israel, You Only Have I Known Amos 3:1-15

Israel has a special relationship with God. Like a father to his son, God heaped upon Israel every provision for a life of purity and prosperity. Sadly, Israel turned out to be a prodigal son…

Lessons from The Past: An Early Scottish Mission To The Jews

The tiny nation of Scotland has given the world many things – the sport of golf, the bagpipe, the Highland Games, and the poetry of Robert Burns. Unfortunately, one of Scotland’s greatest contributions is often overlooked.

The Glory of God

The glory of God has been manifested in many ways throughout the course of history. The Hebrew word for glory means heavy or weighty and is most often used to express honor or impressiveness.

Joel of Jerusalem Jun/Jul 1989

I recently read an interview in one of Israel’s largest newspapers concerning a woman who was celebrating her one hundredth birthday. She lives in a nursing home which accepts only those who are capable of paying the expensive rates charged.

A Man Called Hezi

Sunday, February 26, was a beautiful morning in Midland, Texas. In less than five minutes I would be preaching the first two morning messages at the Midland Bible Church. I was anxious to get into the pulpit.

“The Seventh from Adam”

Have you ever made a “spiritual” new year’s resolution to read through the Bible in one year?  If you are like most Christians, you may have launched off safely and made good progress on your voyage…

Amos: An Introduction

Amos (meaning to bear or burden-bearer) was reared in Tekoa, a small town in the hill country of Judah, six miles south of Bethlehem and 18 miles from the Dead Sea.

God’s Judgment: Inevitable, Irrevocable Amos 1:1-2:16

Buzz words concerning political and social justice fill the air. The Soviets are talking about “glasnost” (openness) and “perestroika” (reconstruction) in hope of producing greater understanding and defusing tensions with the west.

Has God Rejected Israel? Romans 11:1-10

That’s the question the Apostle Paul posed as he opened the 11th chapter of Romans. For nearly two thousand years, many have asked the same question, and the majority of Christendom has answered, “Yes.”

The Cessation of the Gift of Tongues

In 1 Corinthians 14:21-22, the Apostle Paul indicated a connection between Isaiah 28:11 and the gift of tongues in the New Testament Church. The previous article examined that connection and Paul’s conclusion concerning the purpose of the gift of tongues.

The Solution to The Problems Facing The Church Today

There are multitudes of problems in the world today. They can be categorized as social, physical, economic, national, international, personal -the list goes on almost ad infinitum. It seems as though new problems develop every few days.

Joel of Jerusalem Apr/May 1989

While traveling recently, I met and spoke with two men who are representatives of the educational system in Israel.  They had just returned from a visit to the United States to observe the schools in that country. 

A Theology for Losers

There is a new #1 national best-seller at your newsstand. It’s called Trump: the Art of the Deal. It’s the story of Donald Trump, a self-made billionaire and the entrepreneur’s entrepreneur.

The Song of Songs

“In the entire world there is nothing to equal the day on which the Song of Songs was given to Israel. All the Writings are holy, but the Song of Songs is the holy of holies.”

A Christmas Postscript

Most likely you heard or received many messages, devotionals, Christmas cards, and other means of communication this past Christmas season containing the text of Luke 2, Isaiah 9, or Matthew 1.

Obadiah: The Penalty of Prejudice

In 1897 Wilhelm Marr coined the term “anti-Semitism” to explain the European prejudice and persecution against the Jew. Such bigotry was not new; it has stalked the Jew from the brickyards of Egypt to the death camps of Europe.

The Connection of Isaiah 28:11 to the Gift of Tongue

In 1 Corinthians 14:21-22 the Apostle Paul based his conclusion concern­ing the purpose of the gift of tongues upon a statement found in Isaiah 28:11. The fact that Paul did this indicates that the Old Testament…

The Charge Against Israel Part 2

“I didn’t hear you!” Those were probably the most often used words of my early school years. There was nothing wrong with my ears. My hearing wasn’t impaired. I simply chose to let my mind wander and not pay attention to my teachers.

Moses: Going Home

His messages must have burned hot on his heart as he faced this new generation of Israelites. Racing through his mind and burdening his soul was the question of how they would fare in the land.

Joel of Jerusalem Feb/Mar 1989

I live in an apartment-type building in Jerusalem, and all the residents own their own flats. We have a “house committee” to represent the residents, and for ten years I was a member of that committee.

The Antichrist Is Coming

One day soon, a man is going to gallop onto the stage of human history. He will be a political leader. In the beginning, he will expand his empire through diplomatic ventures and subtle “peace” diplomacy.

The Gift of Tongues and The Old Testament

In 1 Corinthians 13:8 the Apostle Paul, writing under the super­natural influence of the Holy Spirit, declared the following: “Love never faileth; but . . . whether there be tongues, they shall cease.”


As the Bible reader moves from Malachi to Matthew, he encounters many new ideas, movements, and institutions never mentioned in the Old Testament. In the Gos­pels, for example, he reads about synagogues, Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots…

The Charge Against Israel Romans 10:2-13 – Part 1

One evidence for the Bible being the inspired and inerrant Word of God is its apparent contradictions. The fact that there are certain truths presented in the Bible that appear to conflict with each other indicates that God is the author of Scripture.

Moses: The Administrator

The forty years of wilderness wanderings were ending. God was completing His dealings with Israel and was about to take them into Canaan, their long-promised and long-awaited home.


History is replete with small nations who strut across the world stage, proudly flex their political muscles, then vanish into obscurity. Edom was such a nation. Her story is graphically detailed by Obadiah in the short book that bears his name.

Joel of Jerusalem Dec/Jan 1988/1989

There are some people in this world who will never be reached for the Lord through a verbal witness only. These people want to see action. They want us to put hands and feet to our words.

Silhouette of man speaking.


For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise…

The Messiah of The Common People

Today many people are confused by the differing sects and denominations of Christendom. The Jewish community today is also divided into various groups -Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, etc.

Moses: Preparations for the Promised Land

It had been such a long time since the children of Israel left Egypt; memories of the plagues that led to that dramatic exodus had faded. Although the significance of Passover night was still a reality to them…

The Cessation of Revelational Gifts

The previous article on spiritual gifts dealt with several significant factors. First, it presented three lines of evidence to the effect that God intended the revelational and sign gifts which He gave to the early Church to be temporary.

The Unbelief Of Israel Romans 9:30-10:1

One of the questions I am often asked is, “Why did the Jewish people of Christ’s day reject Him?” Many Christians are puzzled over the fact that, while Israel knew the Old Testament messianic prophecies…

Joel of Jerusalem Oct/Nov 1988

When I was employed as a construction worker, I had many Arab friends, and they often came to my home to visit. Since the recent problems in Israel have developed, however, they don’t come to see me anymore.

“What Shall We Then Say To These Things?”

Each year Jewish people the world over observe the feast of Passover. The dinner on the first evening of the seven-day observance is very special. It is called the “seder.” And, for the children especially, it is a time of great excitement.

A Time To Encourage Haggai 2:1-9

Haggai’s message had stirred Judah from idle­ness. The sound of workmen removing sixty years of rubble, refacing stones and beginning to build on the foundation laid sixteen years earlier filled Jerusalem.

Moses: Jealousy In The Camp

The sin of jealousy does not usually involve an isolated incident. It often has far-reaching effects. It has been the cause of broken relationships in families, resulting in loved ones not speaking to each other for weeks, months, even years.

Spiritual Gifts – Their Duration

Sincere Christians disagree with each other concerning the issue of the duration of spiritual gifts. Some believe that God intended all the gifts possessed by the early Church to remain in the Church throughout its history.

Joel of Jerusalem Aug/Sep 1988

In the Talmud it is written, “Do not lose faith in divine retribution.” There are many people in Israel who are quick to despair because of the present situation in the nation.

The Men of Qumran and the Messiah

He decided to climb the face of the cliff himself to bring them back. Little did Juma realize as he began his climb on that January day in 1947 that those straying goats would eventually…

Spiritual Gifts – Their Distribution And Relationships

The previous article examined three major items related to the subject of spiritual gifts; namely, a definition and the discernment and purpose of spiritual gifts.  The present article will investigate several more items.

Moses: The Failure of Faith

The desert was exceptionally hot, the annoying dust covered their bodies and the diet was monotonous. What normally should have taken several weeks had stretched out to what seemed to be almost infinity.

A Time To Build Haggai 1:1-15

The country is in a building boom. Houses are springing up like mushrooms, dotting major expressways and rolling farmland, with price tags unimaginable to past generations.

Joel of Jerusalem Jun/Jul 1988

In 1 Thessalonians 5:13 the Lord admonishes us to be at peace among ourselves. However, some people who appear to be nice and peace loving are only trying to impress others with their lofty character.

I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked

Our world appears to be infinite. The more scientists measure the universe, the more they realize it is immeasurable. The more they seek to describe it within boundaries, the more they realize it is boundless.

The Sons of Noah

The ark had been parked. The deluge was passed, and it was now time for Noah and his family to enter into the post­ diluvian brave new world that awaited them.

Victory Over Apostasy

This is the year of the Olympics. Athletes have toned their muscles and perfected their skills in preparation for the games. After years of rigorous physical training, mental hardening and national com­petition, the athlete is confident of victory.

Moses: Be Still And Know That I Am God

During the wilderness journey, the rebellious nation of Israel built their golden calf, but then they had to face God’s discipline. Death came to three thousand men (Ex. 32:28b), but the judgment of God was stayed.

Who Can Find A Virtuous Woman?

There she is, every man’s dream. Industrious, faithful, strong, capable, gracious, domestic, giving and altogether wise.

Does Election Destroy God’s Righteousness?

With keen insight into the human heart, Paul presented the first objection to election in the form of a question: “What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness [injustice] with God?” (v. 14a).

Joel of Jerusalem Mar/May 1988

As we know, a small match can cause very great destruction. And so it is with the tongue, which is one of the smallest parts of the human body but also one of the strongest and  most  dangerous parts.

Little Is Much When God Is In It!

There is great and comforting truth in the statement, “Little is much when God is in it.” How could we think it to be otherwise if the Sovereign of the universe has taken up our cause?

Moses and The Messiah

There were three administrative offices given by the Lord God to Israel to rule over and guide them – the king, the priest and the prophet. The king ruled over Israel for God; the priest represented the people before God;

Defending The Righteousness Of God Romans 9:6-13

If you have trouble understanding some of the Apostle Paul’s teachings, you are not alone. Even his apostolic colleague, Peter, admitted that some of Paul’s writings contain truths which are hard to understand (2 Pet. 3:16).

Unmasking The Apostate

The winds of apostasy are raging worldwide. Such news is not new or startling, for the Bible predicted that in the last days apostates would flood into the church with their heretical teachings.

Moses – Rejecting God’s Direction

God gave leadership to assist Moses as he led the children of Israel through the wilderness. There were men who judged in personal affairs and elders who directed in civil and a few religious affairs.

The Grace Administration of God’s Moral Absolutes

The previous article presented biblical evidence for two major conclusions. First, the Mosaic Law is an indivisible unit; therefore, if a person places himself under the moral aspect of the Mosaic Law,

Was It Worth It?

We had maintained a continued vigil in the coronary care unit as Lilyan’s life hung by a thread, but she rallied (for which we fervently prayed) when her beloved daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren arrived from up North.

Joel of Jerusalem Dec/Jan 1987/1988

In the days preceding Christmas, many people in Israel ask believers, “How can God have a birthday?” The concept of the birth of Jesus is very hard for the Jewish people to accept.

Apostates In Profile

He was born near Lynn, Indiana, on May 13,1931. At the age of twenty-one, he became pastor of his first church. He preached a fundamental Christianity early in his ministry, but his message radically changed…

Moses Leadership In The Wilderness

God had directed Moses into the wilderness. The multitude of the children of Israel had followed his leadership and were now deep into the peninsula of Sinai. They had already faced many problems.

Men Cannot Curse What God Has Blessed

Anyone who has travelled with small children will remember the question that inevitably arises from at least one of them, “Are we almost there?” Sometimes the query is, “How much longer before we get there?”

A Heart Aflame Romans 9:1-5

When I accepted Christ as my Savior while a university freshman, I wondered if I were the only Jewish per­son who had ever made this decision. In due course, while reading the New Tes­tament, I discovered that the first-century Church…