
The Effects of The Abrahamic Covenant Upon Israel

The previous article examined the biblical evidence for the unconditional nature of the Abrahamic Covenant. The present article will consider the effect of that covenant, particularly upon the nation of Israel.

Joel of Jerusalem Apr/May 1985

There is a very big competition raging in Israel at this time. It is not a competition in the business world, but something which has never been seen before in this nation – a competition to see who can bring more people to repentance.


William Shakespeare immortalized the question, “What’s in a name?” Let’s attempt an answer. The Apocrypha states, “A name endures while beauty wanes.” A famous rabbi wrote, “No monument gives such glory as an unsullied name.”

THE PATIENT PROPHET:  Message of Justice

“Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can, seldom found in a woman and never in a man,” wrote a perceptive person. There are those who would disagree, especially that women are somewhat patient and men never are.

They Made The Sepulcher Sure . . .

What folly, that men should think that they could entomb and hold fast the Son of God! Repeatedly during the Lord’s public ministry, the Jewish leadership kept demanding that He give them a sign (Mt. 12:38; 16:1; Lk. 11:29).

He Is Risen. . .

Three simple words: “He is risen.” And with that reality, light dispelled darkness – righteousness bested sin – truth destroyed error – life conquered death – and God defeated Satan. The consummation of that statement is still future – but immutably certain.

He Is Not Here. . .

Following the crucifixion of the Son of God, Joseph of Arimathaea went before the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, to beg for the body of Jesus. Who would have thought it?

Come See Where He Lay. . .

True faith is not belief without evidence – but trust without reservation. It is neither blind nor unreasoning. Faith – the biblical kind – rests upon the revealed Word of God. Abraham is repeatedly set forth as a man of faith…

SIMEON – LEVI: Partners In Crime

The twelve sons of the aged patriarch had arrayed themselves about his deathbed, most probably in the order of their births. Jacob had issued to Reuben his portion, i.e., because of Reuben’s sin he would forfeit the double blessing of the firstborn (Gen. 49:34).

Joel of Jerusalem Feb/Mar 1985

There are many countries in the world, some big and some small, but there is only one country on earth where you can see signs all over, written in big letters, “WELCOME TO THE HOLY LAND.”

Reuben Unstable as Water

“Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken unto Israel, your father” (Gen. 49:2). The twelve sons dutifully assembled. They arranged themselves in a semicircle around their aged father as he sat on the edge of his deathbed.

Hebrews What God Demanded What God Provided

God has chosen to base His relationship with the nation of Israel on covenants. There are basically four unconditional covenants that He made with His people. The first is the Abrahamic Covenant, which promised them a land…

The Abrahamic Covenant

It is not hyperbole to say that every spiritual blessing which the child of God possesses can trace its origin back to the Abrahamic Covenant.

Joel of Jerusalem Dec/Jan 1984/1985

Many times I ask myself why I must move so often in my work. It is certainly not by my own choice, but it has been happening for years. One advantage to this constant changing of jobs…

Once More With Feeling

The women of Israel came out to welcome their returning, victorious army. They cried, “… Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands” (1 Sam. 18:7).

THE PROPHET’S PROBLEM: God’s Means of Justice

God, where is justice? Why are You insensitive, indifferent, and inactive to the cry of the righteous? How long will You remain silent? cried Habakkuk, as he sat overwhelmed by the social and moral corruption flooding the land.

The 12 Tribes of Israel

The old man gathered his strength and sat up on the bed with his feet on the floor. He sensed that the end was near. Looking back over a life that had its ups and downs…

Hebrews Oct/Nov 1984

There were three primary, divinely instituted offices in the Old Testament: the prophet was God’s spokesman to the children of Israel; the priest was the people’s representative before a holy God who was a consuming fire…


The two previous articles examined the first six dispensations which are recognized by the majority of Dispensational Theologians. This article will review the seventh dispensation and will consider several significant factors related to Dispensational Theology.

Joel of Jerusalem Oct/Nov 1984

How I thank the Lord that I can walk down the street with my head held high and not downcast, as is the case with so many people here in Israel.

To Soar Like An Eagle

Few verses of Scripture have more captivated the mind, encouraged the heart and kept the child of God pressing on in the midst of adversity than the familiar thirty-first verse of Isaiah forty.


The fourth dispensation extended from God’s call of Abraham to the giving of the Mosaic Law at Mount Sinai. The Scripture portion which covers this dispensation is Genesis 12 – Exodus 18.


Habakkuk’s name comes from the Hebrew word “Habkaku” which means to embrace. Ancient rabbinical legends were developed around Habakkuk’s name. Some believe him to be the son of the Shunammite woman (2 Ki. 4:16)…

THE PROPHET’S PROBLEM: Mystery of Justice

Sick society is a phrase often heard to describe the moral degeneracy seen in American culture. Analyses warn that the tidal wave of moral changes sweeping this country could mean the demise of its social order.


The city was Jerusalem. The date was somewhere around 67 A.D. The situation was this: A group of Jewish people had been confronted with the messiahship of Jesus. They had listened to the scriptural claims concerning His person.

Joel of Jerusalem Aug/Sep 1984

Here in Israel we are facing new general elections, and it is almost like war. There is no consideration being shown. Instead, it is a wild competition. The people seem to be looking for a new king…

God’s Unsurpassing Glory

To promise is one thing. To do what is promised is quite another thing. It would be wonderful if men could plan great things and accomplish them. But for most men, their word of promise exceeds their reality of accomplishment.

THE DAY OF THE LORD: The Millennium Part Eight

Towering some fifty-eight feet high is the beige limestone Wailing Wall. Standing at the wall is the stooped, five foot figure of an Orthodox Jew. Daily he comes to pray: head covered, shoulders draped in a tallith…

A Presentation of Dispensational Theology

The majority of Dispensational Theologians are convinced that the Scriptures reveal seven dispensations of God’s rule which cover the scope of history. Inasmuch as foundational matters related to Dispensational Theology were considered in the previous article…

When God Remembers Israel Part Eight

The Prophet Zechariah had been sent to the Jewish people who had returned from the Babylonian captivity. They had experienced few blessings and had known no victory for a long time.

Joel of Jerusalem Jun/Jul 1984

Here in this land, from which the Word of the Lord first came forth, it is especially important to preach the gospel of the Lord to those who are so deaf. They are not physically deaf…

ELIJAH and The Lord of The Flies

Whenever a citizenry groans under the burden of an incompetent political leader, they always can take hope that someday there will be a change. In a democracy, that change can come at election time.

Deliverance at Last Part Seven

Reading chapters nine through eleven of the Book of Zechariah, one would begin to wonder. The Lord promised His King for Israel, who, when He came, she rejected. He provided for her a Shepherd, but she would not follow Him.

THE DAY OF THE LORD: Armageddon Part Seven

A number of months ago an estimated 100 million Americans watched ABCs special, “The Day After.” The nation saw Lawrence, Kansas atomized before their eyes. Young and old were impacted by the television special…

A Presentation of Dispensational Theology

In the last four issues of Israel My Glory, a clear, concise and historically accurate presentation of Covenant Theology was given. This article is the first in a series presenting the biblical basis for Dispensationalism as a preferred system of theology.

Joel of Jerusalem Apr/May 1984

There is a bad wind blowing around the Hebrew Christians in Israel these days. Many fanatical people have joined forces and have sworn to fight a holy war against those of us who have received the Lord as our Savior…

I Was Thirsty and Ye Gave Me Drink

The fortieth chapter of Isaiah is one of the towering spiritual mountain peaks in all the Word of God. In language, in theme, in pure grandeur, it is unsurpassed.

THE DAY OF THE LORD: Judgment of The Nations Part Six

The struggles and sufferings of Israel are well documented from Egyptian slavery to the Roman destruction of Jerusalem. Like an echo, the Dias­pora Jew would face nineteen more centuries of anguish as the shadow…

THE TRUE SHEPHERD: King Of Israel Part Six

There were two important figures that stood out in the minds of Old Testament Jewry. The first was that of a shepherd. It was a common sight to see them leading their sheep to pasture.

Elijah, The Rain And The Chariot

After most ministers finish their sermons, both preacher and congregation leave to eat a meal. It has often been said that since most Christians don’t drink and smoke, their big­gest vice is eating.

An Evaluation of Covenant Theology

In the previous article concerning Covenant Theology, several aspects of that system’s Covenant of Grace were considered. In this present article further aspects of that same Covenant of Grace will be examined.

Joel of Jerusalem Feb/Mar 1984

I am the vine, ye are the branches.. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing.  John 15:5

Immanuel, God With Us

Legally, he was the right man for the job, He was a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Judah and of the family of David. He had a right to rule over Israel.


Things that are very special often become common after a period of time. A young couple will often appear deeply in love but after marriage find their love has lost its zing and wonder where it went.

THE DAY OF THE LORD: The Return of The Messiah Part Five

The cry of this age is peace, peace, peace! Men are looking for peace and security. They want job security, health security. and life security — a time when war will cease and universal peace will prevail forever.

An Evaluation of Covenant Theology

In the two previous articles of this series, the system of thought which is known as Covenant Theology was examined in survey fashion.  Now that that examination has been completed…

Joel of Jerusalem Dec/Jan 1983/1984

I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5

VICTORY AT LAST: King and High Priest Part Four

Israel had just been judged for her sins. For seventy long years the Jewish people had suf­fered in Babylon. A remnant had now returned to Jerusalem and was struggling to reestablish the city.

THE DAY OF THE LORD: Intervention Promised Part Four

Will God? What saith the prophet? Jeremiah said to Judah, “If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I [God] will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them.” (18:8).

Covenant Theology

Over the last three to four hun­dred years Bible-believing schol­ars have developed two distinct approaches to expositing the Bible’s philosophy of history. Each approach has produced a system of theology.

Joel of Jerusalem Oct/Nov 1983

During my visit to North America in the spring, I met a very orthodox Jewish man. We spoke for only a few minutes, but in that short time we became friends.

THE INFINITE GOD: Orientation for Living!

Isaiah’s hopes were in danger of being dashed on the perilous rocks of human frailty and transience. He was about to stumble because his vision had been focused in the wrong place.

THE DAY OF THE LORD: Intercessory Prayer Part Three

Judah was on the verge of expiring! Her spiritual chart read: head sick, heart faint, body full of wounds, bruises, and putrefying sores. From head to toe there was no soundness in her, cried isaiah (Isa. 1:6).

AN UNEASY TENSION: Jews and Christians Through the Ages Part Two

For the first two hundred years of church history the relationship between Christians and their Jewish neighbors is best character­ized by the phrase, an “uneasy tension.” During this period, there was no evidence of outright Christian persecution of the Jews.

Joel of Jerusalem Aug/Sep 1983

Soon we will be celebrating the most important holidays in Israel, Rosh Hashana (New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). For those of us who know the Lord, this is no time to sleep.

The Sign of The End of The Age

The die was cast — the decision was final — Jesus was leaving. Israel’s tragic plight was now sealed. They had brought it on themselves. During three years of public ministry Jesus had pleaded…

Joel of Jerusalem Jun/Jul 1983

I have many friends here in Jerusalem. Some of them are believers, while others are far away from the Lord, but since I have established contact with them, I feel it is important to maintain that contact.

The Time of Christ’s Return

The disciples were crushed. Jesus was leaving. They had followed Him for three years. The way had been long, the road rough, the obstacles many and the confrontations with the Jewish leadership perplexing.

Because He Lived . . . We too Shall Live!

The one who first suggested that “a man only has to do two things in life – pay income taxes and die,” no doubt spoke in jest. But, he underscored the certainty of paying taxes…

The Russian Bear Casts A Bigger Shadow

The Word of God is clear. A day is coming (we believe during the first half of the Tribulation period) when Russia is going to launch an attack into the Middle East to control the world oil supply.

Searching for The Lost Ark

The Ark of the Covenant was the central furnishing in the Tabernacle and also later in the Temple of Solomon. It was a chest made of acacia wood covered by gold, 3 ¾ feet in length and 2 ¼ feet wide and high.

Joel: The Day of The Lord

The Book of Joel bears its author’s name and means “Jehovah is God.” Little is known of Joel’s background with the exception that his father was Pethuel (1:1) and Luke confirms him as a prophet (Acts 2:16).


The twentieth century man can sit comfortably in his home and watch the devastation which war leaves in its wake – via television documentaries. He watches masses of humanity slaughtered and made refugees, buildings leveled…

When Is a Jew Not a Jew?

Upon examining the history of Jewish tradition with regard to this matter, however, one discovers that this interpretation is novel and not in accordance with what classical Judaism has taught for centuries on the subject.

Joel of Jerusalem Apr/May 1983

Here in Israel, one of the most important places for communication is often a public bus. Many times you meet people you know as they are getting on or off, and sometimes you are very surprised at the people you meet.

45 Years of God’s Blessings!

The year was 1938. The place was Nazi Germany. Hitler was in control. He had forged his master plan. It included world conquest and the establishment of an Aryan master race.

The Sign of His Coming!

Jesus is coming again. Nature impatiently awaits it (Rom. 8:19-21). Justice legally demands it (Mt. 24:27-28). Christians eagerly anticipate it (Heb. 9:28). And the Bible authoritatively proclaims it (Mt. 24:32-35).

Will The Real Messiah Please Stand Up!

We nearly fell out of our cushioned synagogue seats when we heard the rabbi’s answer! I had accompanied a group of believers from a suburban Detroit church to a conservative synagogue to learn more about Jewish beliefs and customs.

The Christian’s Sacrifice

On a Jerusalem hillside a huge crowd had gathered to witness an event which would change the destiny of mankind. Darkness had filled the whole earth at noon, and it was drawing near 3:00 p.m.

Joel of Jerusalem Feb/Mar 1983

We say that no ill is without its good. Every time a situation begins badly, I always pray, “O Lord, lead me and give me much patience so I can stand strong against the tribulations I face.”


We have no desire to be trite, or petty or build mountains out of molehills, but we do desire to be true to the Word of God.


Jewish people are filled full with a zest for life. Candid and outgoing, they are often more recognizable by expression and gesture than by facial appearance. Rarely satisfied with being spectators…

The Trespass Offering Compensation in Christ

The trespass offering is the final Levitical sacrifice required of the Israelite. Although it is similar to the sin offering (Lev. 7:7), there are a number of differences. The sin offering deals with sin against God;

Joel of Jerusalem Dec/Jan 1982/1983

I was reminded recently of the shortness of physical life. But because our souls are eternal, we all must prepare for eternity. For our physical bodies, we can purchase insurance.

“I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling!”

History will attest that nations are born in molten flame and forged on the anvil of adversity. The hotter the flame and the more severe the adversity, the stronger the nation.

Book Review Editorial: SEVEN FALSE ARGUMENTS

Recently a new book was shown to me which has as its theme the fact that Jewish-Zionists are the secret force bringing ruination to the Christian world. The author claims to be a born-again Christian…

THE SIN OFFERING: Christ at Calvary

When Adam sinned he brought spiritual and physical death upon the human race. All die – rich or poor, strong or weak, young or old, schooled or unschooled – it is appointed unto man once to die!

Elijah’s Future

Elijah’s supernatural departure from this earth (2 Ki. 2:9-11) was certainly a unique privilege afforded the great prophet. Only one other, Enoch the seventh from Adam (Jude 14), has been exempted from walking “through the valley of the shadow of death” (Ps. 23:4; Gen. 5:24).

Sharecroppers and The Son Of God

He was now walking in the shadow of the cross. The hour for which He had come was soon to arrive. Jesus had utilized parables before in His teaching. They had been so enigmatic, however…

Joel of Jerusalem Oct/Nov 1982

I thank the Lord, for He is so, good. After a very long time of having three of our children away in the army, we recently had the family together again around the table.

Moses, The Prophet Paul, The Apostle

Moses the prophet and Paul the apostle are the two tow­ering, stellar personalities of human history. No son of Adam’s race, however noble, however brilliant, however benevolent, how­ever powerful, whether warrior or physician…

The Day The Shekinah Returns To Israel

If anyone ever had a love and burden for the Jewish people, it was the Apostle Paul. He not only expresses his love and concern for them in Romans 9-11, but also God’s.

Elijah’s Coronation Day

The coronation of an earthly monarch usually takes place early in life and commences his reign. For the believer, however, the coronation day takes place at death when he is raised to a higher realm of glory.

PEACE OFFERING: Conciliation in Christ

Mankind has done much talking about peace, but experienced little of it throughout the centuries. Someone estimated that in the last 5,600 years there have been 14,531 wars and only 292 years of world peace.